
How to become a billionaire overnight - Become a Billionaire in 2017

How to become a billionaire overnight - Become a Billionaire in 2017 the the but he had a genie in a bottle right now who offered you absolutely anything you want in the world really imagine that what would you ask for keep that in mind because you don't realize it yet but the page you're on right now is the bottle and me and my system are the genie and I'm going to give it to you 100 percent free and you're going to get all mess but not selling your soul and well-being product what you do on the black you should seriously consider watching this video until the very end and I mean that Mary and then here's why at the end of this video I go a little nuts I thank you have cash yes to everyone who watched until the end this cash get will go directly to into the bank account have your choice and will be somewhere between 100 have a thousand dollars shell if you've never made money online that'll change at the end of this video because I'm going to hand it to you it's guaranteed all you have to do is watch be entertained and tell us where to send the wire why would I pay you to watch this video am I crazy and I just so rich I love with all my money around and show off well you can legitimately say I'm rich but I certainly don't drive around in fact I in by this born s until I could pay for them in cash pilots gunsight some is not good the 9 Manny dwelled Caleb nearly took my hand up with a line drive around them was really mean it I feel so sorry for you this looks so delicious everything she makes was delicious you look delicious it is saying that for the camera why would I do that button your eyes and enjoy this take a break and I'll see now the room in the the Mark A Wow what a meal and I mean the appetizers were what delicious and nothing like a glass shard Nadal back it all down salt why am i gettin all this money where right well I'm going to answer that but for now just know this 8 the money will be wired to the bank account of your choice and be there's a good reason why I'm doing it and all I ask in exchange right now is your attention tell me how this idea strikes you you 31 days from now makin income over one hundred thousand dollars per month doing absolutely nothing but pushing a button where talkin completely passive income you don't even have to get outta bed all day long if you don't want it push a button just like the one you push on your microwave that's it I now I know you for claims like that before and you've been burned enough times now you're jaded and a little angry well guess what it's good to be angry I'm angry too you see these guys online selling you this crap don't actually know the purse thing about making real money online the only skill they've mastered is how to reach in your pockets and scan you want your hard earned money by selling you bogus software that has about as much programming intelligence at this glass a wine and then of course they slap you silly with false claims about what it can do claim so ridiculously up base it's amazing they are behind bars yet but they will be that rate there is the real reason why you keep losing money online because these guys are programmers are scam artists he's in a program to help them scam you now on the other side of the spectrum are people like me the good guys I don't take any money from launching products and I never will because I don't need to I work with the most well respected programming insiders on the planet we test everything a myriad of times before we ever released to the public and before we make a claim about what it can do we make sure it has done it and more 1,000 times in a role for regular people and that's exactly what we've done with the push-button commission system it has proven and exactly 1,393 test to date that it can get its users although one hundred thousand dollars per month in 31 days on average if you qualify today I will be taking you and 999 other new users on my back I will be personally monitoring your progress every single day to ensure that absolutely every single one time you reach is the goal that I have promised you if you even look like your family will take over your business temporarily and start making you money ourselves until you reach that goal all the way to one hundred thousand dollars per month in just 31 days and completely passive income and if you haven't done the math on that I'll help you out that will net you 1.2 million dollars a year making you a millionaire within the year and this is all completely legal and completely guaranteed as all explain $100k per month means you'll be making more in a month than 90 percent of people make in a year with only one major difference he'll be doing it without the sole psyche 925 ball and chain he'll be doing well he'll be doing whatever the hell you want to be doing for it all day it's 100 percent yours to have your way with he'll be on the golf course he'll be chillin by the pool he'll be on a ski slope or a surfboard or like me you'll be teaming up with a baseball on your son on your very own baseball diamond you're going to take your bucket list and cross things off one by one and spend the rest if your time seeking enlightenment it that's what you wanna do are truly exploring your favorite hobbies and things that interest you or building a relationship with the one who matters most to you in the world it's all up to you and to get into this program UK absolutely Mac things I'm the I'm do to get this for not being you just have to be the right person here at the right time let's hope you are now none of us have time for me it stand here and break how my system has created one thousand case studies hundreds a millionaire's I actually keep their names inside the members area just so you know that we really have done that each of these verified users a push-button commissions may at least $100k in 31 days but even with all that he then if I show you all of them along with screenshots and their actual bank accounts there is no way to prove to someone something they don't wanna believe the only way I can really prove it to you is to generate the income in your Oman bank account and do it the very first minute you fire up the push-button commissioned software because it will happen in the very first minute or as someone said earlier in the video sometimes in that very few for seconds I can't promise that but it does happen one of the reasons why this is so certain is because almost no one on the Internet knows about the secret at Nazi courteous that there is an entirely new layer on the Internet that has been springing up now over the past few years but it will over the next decade completely replace the internet you know now with my system we are targeting this what I call that new internet do you remember what CDs did to cassette tapes and LP's do you remember what DVD's did to VCRs remember what Netflix did the blockbuster the new internet will do the same thing to the internet we all know the Internet will not look the same as it does now in just five years a new wave of technological advancement is going to overtake anything you think you know about the internet that new internet is already here it's just mostly underground and it's filled to the brim with the rapid hungry buyers with what I am about to give you you can basically pension income you want and you get because this is completely unlimited this is an some dream or fantasy either this is my reality and if you have a half a brain and a little bit a lock it'll soon be yours that yeah brief what Matt City implications all this year you know what now let's do this right now guys I'll see you kids come first back in a bit I it's good to make sure of that right at got my mare got back places on the the I that's good fun met a great kid he's gonna be a helluva baseball player Sunday the club has gone out this good out K back to business listen I know you're outright discussed by the lies and scams that are fun in your email inbox the only person they're interested in making money for is themselves I may be new on the scene but unlike the secretive underground marketers I'm an open book I've shown you my home and my family you get my personal email address and my cell phone number inside the members area you can ask me anything you like about myself and my life in fact I'm gonna go ahead right now and tell you a few things you actually need to know about me so we can start to build this relationship first of even though I'm technically a marker online now n start of a marketing not at all my dream as a kid was to bring the Chicago Cubs their first World Series victory ice to practice day and night in the batting cages into my hands blatt and my mom was calling the cops to find out where I was well it paid off I had a lot of success in high school and then again at Rutgers I stuck with it and eventually I didn't make it to professional baseball spent most of my time on the Norfolk Tides which is a minor league baseball team in the triple-a International League they play at Harbor Park in norfolk virginia where I'm from I rose the range from single-a to triple A ball in just two years most guys take 8 but it seem like I am hit a wall there I wasn't getting called up to the majors I was playing great but I wasn't getting even a sniff happens to a lot of guys they just get stock can never get a break to the big leagues I'm a little embarrassed to share has publicly but after a while my wife Jenna started to lose patience with me and lose respect for me too the words it's time to get a real job were often heard from her side of the room my marriage almost ended I don't really blame er someone you may know minor league baseball players make even less than McDonalds workers even less than minimum wage but we stick with it cuz make it to the majors makes it all worth it that's the idea anyway but I wasn't making it to the majors had been three years she said she'd give me one more year as an alternate and approved this was a career worth pursuing I came to realize it wouldn't be enough anymore to just Coast time in town that developed earlier in my life I had to really step it up I had something to prove to Jenna to the major league baseball scouts and myself so I made a goal for myself I knew that if I had a 320 batting average they would have no choice but to Connie ogle my batting average was around to anyone at the time I did strides in quayle's top three in the morning most nights a lot like when I was a kid I got back to my roots and within nine months I was batting 334 and I had 26 home runs and sure enough call finally came from the Baltimore Orioles they wanted to use me as backup at second base I was this fact myself that meant that the adjacent to the spot occupying by one of my heroes one on the greatest offensive players in the history of baseball cal ripkin unfortunately had never happened you probably gas that this story was going to take a turn up I would stop practicing with the farm team waiting to get my Transfer Day we're playing the Cardinals farm team the Louisville Bats in preseason I drove a deep line drive into the wall between center in right field I rounded second up a single to slide at third I hit the ground my spikes cut a hard spot on a dirt and I ripped a tendon in my knee I how also lowered I think a bird drop from the sky my teammates help me out the field next day we got them burst piece a bad news and needed surgery the doctor said it didn't go as well as they had hoped it would they said it would get better I would be able to walk can lead a normal life but my knee would never be able to withstand the kind of punishing in packs you encounter baseball game baseball was I have a question the dream I had worked so hard to achieve was now never going to be a reality and that's one money started to become a serious issue I taking on some loans against a salary we were supposed to get from our rails I had no other real skills baseball was my only passion and now we were shot on it and we had no idea where to turn which brings me to my way spotter Ernest Miller he was a military man lost a leg in vietnam and he was in a wheelchair think Big Lebowski extremely wealthy from that wheelchair he built a huge software company which anyone from virginia has definitely heard of and me was a killer app growing up he was harder on Jenna then any father should be he just always pushed her to do more more he never gave her hugs or encourage men are shown any kind of life when she would get a ninety percent on a test his reaction would be to say where's the other 10 percent anyway little did either of us know that his software company have been working exclusively on the monetization a brand-new internet for the past five years their new products we're going to be rolled out soon to private equity firms and their stock was expected to at least double in price at first a the featured product what software that generated income from the new internet but that launch didn't happen because a few weeks before the launch he had a massive stroke in after touring struggle for his life he died in hospital at age 72 now here comes the Shocker in as well it said all of my shares in XYZ company as well as the XQ 12 software now called push button commissions belonged to my daughter Jenna cool I always loved but never knew how to shower Jenna I'm sorry hopefully in some small way this helps to heal the world channa and her husband at all may share the software with those who they believe can be trusted we became millionaires just like that with the stroke of a pen but the problem was would take months before we can actually get possession pick up shares we still had creditors bring up our phone line we were Temperley sort of cut between heaven and hell than we thought okay we can get the shares but what about the software he mentioned we had access to that now what was that all about I represented on the estate delivered a USB stick that we were told contain the software we popped the USB in your computer and while I was expecting something complicated it was shockingly simple is simply asked do you agree to the Terms I clicked yes it said can you put in your email up yes I put my email next to ask for financial information and then after a few more simple steps on the screen in big letters in flashing green lights it's Ken system on locked then the screen scramble and there was now just one bright being red button in the center and scream and I'm top but it says push to engage we felt like we just got my keys to the nuclear launch codes but took a breath and Jenna presses it an absolutely nothing happens we just wait there looking at a blank screen to get up only to go use the bathroom when I hear my white calling at all getting here you gotta see this and I'm maybe something was wrong I went on as fast as I could and i'd give to the monitor and I'm standing there looking at me this and asks me if I wanna download those funds to my bank account but ard I clicked the ass that money was more than I never made an entire day one long five minutes this is unbelievable the next time I checked the screen I thought this MMS we couldn't believe what was happening we basically set by the computer the entire week clicking refresh by the week this is what we were looking back and by the end of the month I stop this three months later I had vs just sitting in my account just sitting here I don't even know what to do with it this was more money than I ever would have made with my contract with the Orioles and I had done basically nothing but push a button I had no clue even what was going on come on down and feel a showing that video the the the so I couldn't figure out what was going on but I selling something to somebody somewhere but I trade talks it didn't really matter all I cared about was that Jenna was smiling a lot more she was a lot more relaxed help hot more into me that was all I needed to know now I thought long and hard about how I could actually get you to believe my story and believe that what's this Southpark and do Israel cuz I knowHow to become a billionaire overnight - Become a Billionaire in 2017 it just so on the box that you could actually make money that fast and that easily so I thought if we take someone completely random quite never met and doesn't know a thing about making money online if I can make him thousands of dollars a day you more for sure I can do it for you let me show you something so I'm here my tennis club but they make the most unbelievable smoothies the a new people coming here from all watch live all the time so I got this sorta kinda a unique idea how to put this to you just watch yeah yeah this yes should say he did the same I've got my man yes the hi I'm Adam and I made millions dollars online really Wow thats kerrigan you and Frank and designs online II hi sorry to be so forward just running a little experiment and I had to grab your attention soul you're a graphic designer I can always use one of those devil card jury x1 30 the fantastic now frankness may ask a personal question are you make enough money with that well G it's never enough time in the money comes in the money the South money as a whole lot faster than it comes enemy No yeah I know how it is but I'm more interested in knowing how you want it to be see for instance I use this phone here and in a few hours I make about six thousand dollars and I don't really do anything at all but push a button he alright in-camera ideas list but I have a whole lotta clients to make money online a work like dogs and I and making more money than they do most days cell sorry I just can't believe what you're saying that all you've got long I I don't think I got so much to write guys in his have a guy was an experience what I have well I'm not really sure what you mean by that and I can't spend any more time here with this and no offense I think you should go lemme check out someone is a little bit more calm I more help more golf ball G Frank more salted by slightly insulted by that but I hear you I'm meeting up tempo one over on your and that's understandable because there's a lot of creeps out there but before I go if you're so confident that I am lying how but I bet Matt yep a good ol fashion bet you think I'm blowin smoke and I think I can really help you let's take this idea for spam there's a deal I bet I can make you a hundred dollars right here right now but this phone before this our class runs out the are you serious you're kidding right now I'm dead serious do you accept it except what I P what do i get if i win and did you see that Audi r8 sittin outside you mean the silver one yeah I saw check out there I thought Roger Federer was playing tennis here today what that's yours it is and if you win this bet I will sign it over to you it will be yours right here right now yeah I'll take that but I have no idea what you're doing I have no experience making money online and you haven't shown me anything so yeah I'll take that outing of your hands but way I didn't tell you what you lose if you lose at that alright okay we have in mind well what I have in mind is he loses bet you gotta wash my car every week for the next three months tends to gather dust sound good your I'm done hourglass is running let's get to it we got it say save have no experience have you ever worked with an iPhone before the course that experience I have had an alright saw you to do is accept these Terms of Service plug in your bank information so they know where to dump the money dump the money you'll see why I say that in just a minute get your bucket and sponge or anybody if the 50 plug in your bank information I don't worry it is safe is your online banking see that CRA Terre yes here that's the same seal that major Web sites use like Amazon her chase dot com it means we have the highest levels of security in the industry put my wife's information just to be on the safe side kidnap good okay so what you gonna see rain here is like I do use the scene from a hollywood movie begin to see a big red button like a new killer button but don't be scared unlike new killer buttoned this but you really wanna push strange and but if I can get back are out there appears I'll do anything against iraq I ready I'm ready alright what's next in IA why got a small country now frank you to do that Paul so where do we go from here well it's hard to say because you're done that's it go ahead finish your beer will watch an hourglass rundown seek we had time to spare QC really called I I am because I've seen with this system can do yeah social check your account because my car is getting really dirty air yeah let's just check How to become a billionaire overnight - Become a Billionaire in 2017 a now he's gonna check his bank account and I have no way of knowing what he's gonna see their you get a witness his bank account transform along with the both of us transform you're kidding right gonna say the same thing it did five minutes ago we didn't do any payment yeah well I'm pretty sure well it's gonna look different to go and check your bank what the hell hole why would he see frank this 12340 seven dollars in here 38 cents I mean it's going to be a mistake and call my bank right now until the something's not right going out says unbelievable I got my head spinning I mean this is so ridiculously easy that and I mean and is an all be all I do this again just for experimentation class and Frank he could do this whenever you want any kind you want as many times as you want arm hold that thought I'm to send a quick email quite about what I could tell my clients where they can shop I Bowl way way WAY before you do that remember number what remember Mike Connor the whole scrap your car it's like getting am i now all between washington for the next three months Frank by I select doing this over in cut cut act but before look good how paul boyer pain dome be sure to get those wheel arches parade there that's my spot Frank get nice even strokes your ego a all get out because after I'm done washing this baby I'm gonna wash my new car nah it's nice when someone loses a bet wins are on Porsche pay what's next what we're doing at that any I nice one wesson keep going good work and I'll see you next week right yeah a yeah when he had met wonderful how you help strangers out he has generally yes it is but don't worry about him he's made enough money to buy that car so get over real fast when I first met him he was just like 99 percent of those people online what fallen victim to Guru scams super skeptical and didn't wanna hear another word I had to make this bet to prove to him the system's power it's helping people like Frank that makes me so grateful because I know that's why my personal number fall victim to a scam product ever again and proud of you and I live here you know this is all part of God's plan for us back now that you see in real life truth with your own I is there something else I need to tell you it's the in a story I started with and guess what your apartment saw about six months after giving me that software we found people we knew we could trust and wanted the people as the one hearing my voice right now yes we've done our research on you and determined that you are not only someone we can trust but someone who really needs is kinda software you seen a glimpse somehow this software has changed things for us and also changed other people's lives and I have no obligation to share it he said we may share it he didn't say we must share it I could sit on it and just reap the profits but I'm giving it to people like you I have two reasons for doing this one unselfish and one selfish here's the on sawfish one I really do like helping people I have a lot of time on my hands think some software and I've been everywhere from bullies to Victoria Falls skydiving and scuba diving gets keenan everything between when Jenna and once you've done all that even though having money is the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life to be honest it can leave you with an empty spot inside and I came to realize that the only thing that feels that spot here's helping other people out giving them what someone gave me and when the blessing flows like that from one to another to another through giving well that's where real happiness lies and making someone else happy I've been where you are I know what it feels like to have bills you campaign I know what it feels like to set up your seventh installment plan afraid to check your mail afraid to check your credit score its ally for fear you wanted to stop you needed to stop and I'm ready to help you I mean just think what can an extra 100 K per month do for that situation could make you get free gonna give you a well-deserved luxury vacation could buy you a brand new car with all the options could just buy you some peace of mind like I said been able to make money at the push of a button is a blessing but it's not only a blessing ill be the greatest thing that's ever happened to you it certainly was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me because instead of relying on methods which sometimes they work and sometimes they don't this relies on a system and it's one that never fails that's why with the push-button commission system there's nothing for you to do accepts a goal penitence Torrey Pines the money pockets and takes over from there you hit one button that's really yet and now because I wanna be totally upfront with you I also want to tell you the selfish reason why I am doing this and the selfish reason is according to my calculations I believe that if I can make you a millionaire I can make myself up billionaire and that's just Karnatak if I can get this software in the hands on one thousand people I've run the numbers and I came to realize that I would add 20 to my income which actually makes sense because just as in baseball playing as a team is the only way you ever win big the money game is the same story while you make your money from the front and commissions I can generate mine on the back into those sales it's all automatic you won't even know what's happening you become a millionaire I become a billionaire I play hard I've always played hard as a kid I wanted to do what no one has done change baseball history with the Cubs but I couldn't do it for the game a baseball How to become a billionaire overnight - Become a Billionaire in 2017 but I will change history the game and making money and I will change the game for you now what about the price you've got to be a little nervous about that right well at least you should be I had private internet marketing firms offering mean millions for what I'm about to offer you so white should really cost i've seen. software not have this good golfer ten thousand dollars is there any good reason I shouldn't charge you the same amount any reason at all well actually there is one reason I got injured and that was actually a gift in the skies because I know now what it's like to not know how your next bill is gonna be paid I know what it's like to be desperately reaching out for something that could help and for that reason it's not ten thousand dollars and it's not one thousand dollars and it's not even one hundred dollars it's free 100 percent free no strings attached we simply ask for a tiny deposit which is really deposit that you get back immediately as soon as you asked for it back that the positive is solely for security purposes the fee prevents hacker bot from being able to get into our network and hijacked the software if you choose not to ask for your deposit back will simply reinvest the money into your business so that you make even more a bit now onto the guarantee I spoke of earlier you have my word I've said it before and I'll say it again all say a hundred times if I have to he will make one hundred thousand dollars per month starting 31 days from now and I will also guarantee at least three hundred dollars day with push-button commissions I like that that's how I'm going to fulfill on my promise to get you paid at the end of this video get inside hit the button and you will have it three hundred dollars at least guaranteed if both for those promises don't come true get this I will pay you one thousand dollars out of my own pocket for your trouble no bones about it of all grant I have no plans to ever pay out a penny for this I never have in the past ever because this has been proven scientifically to work at a certain rate at a certain speed and I don't promise more than I can deliver if it's not gonna happen in fact I always make sure to over deliver which is why I know it will take you beyond three hundred dollars and even closer to eight hundred dollars today and let me remind you up an important point 1,000 people or get into the program and I'm not kidding what I say that only 1,000 people or get into the program were cut in this one of sharply and we have weighed more than 1,000 people hitting this page right now which means it's now or never for you you later getting from this page now are you will never get it and I can assure you of that wanna baseball's greatest managers tommy lasorda used to say there are three types a baseball players those who wonder what's gonna happen those who watch it happen and those who make it happen sore right now you need to decide what kind of player do you want to be in this game of life he wanna be a spectator for the rich do you wanna be a hater the rich or do you wanna do with the rich do and bad as automating wealth creation that's what they do and that's what push button commissions is all about its tried-and-true principles of wealth applied to a modern era and the future of the Internet so what is it even has a date about it's time time to take back your life whatever you dreamed about doing when you were a child actually do it do you really wanna let those dreams die or spend the rest your life just raining or do you wanna live those dreams actually make him come true there's a button below hit that button right now to get that three hundred dollars or more and to get that one hundred thousand dollars in 31 days you will never get an offer you been as close to as good as this so just forget about looking anywhere else this is the offer that actually does what it says it will do this is the only offer that matters so hit that button and fill out the form on the next page it's completely secure as secure as your bank's website so if you're hesitating about this honestly why well ask yourself this: why are you here you're here because you know something's wrong you know that what you've been doing up until now isn't working and it doesn't seem like it's getting any better it seems like you're on a merry-go-round getting whipped around trying to grab the shiny ring but its always on a breach it seems like something's wrong and you're right something is wrong you have gurus quiet really gurus they have nothing to do with teaching they want nothing to do with helping you at all their job to sell cell cell and deliver crap crap crap funny I recently went to a blue set to trade get off his mailing list and I got hit with five offers yes 5 offers to buy other products before I could ever get off that page I could barely figure out how to get off his list I almost gave up hitting me for more money when I'm trying to leave that someone who cares about you is that someone with integrity or that someone who is just I in your wallet hell if you need any these guys on the street each school already other side of the road pronto their slimy and they're arrogant and I have nothing to do with them thank God I have my technology and that's all I need I don't need for them to help promote me people are beating down my door step to get what I half because I have a product that's actually a real real see day on know that word fake actors fake proof take everything fake it till you make it is what they're thinking I guess but how many people get hurt in the process I'm sick it and I know you're so give it to you it's the reason you're broke right now I worked too hard to let them make everybody think making money online is impossible that's a shame it's not a sham I'm 152 million dollars thanks to the internet and yes it all comes back to one button and you you're gonna get only one chance to get access to that one button soft think long and hard before you decide to leave this page instead cash in on my very generous guarantee at three hundred dollars today or one thousand dollars to you I have my own pocket just think he could literally be missing out on millions of dollars over your lifetime if you leave here one hundred thousand dollars per month what could that do for you real money digitally delivered right into your bank account I know you want that the only real question as how bad do you want it a wise man was once asked by someone how to be successful the wise man told him to walk out into the sea more and more into you can't bring your gas for air like a madman you'll feel like you're dying and then he told him when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breed when you're underwater drowning you'll be successful do you want it that bad not asking you to drown yourself I'm asking you to push one button and pay nothing to do it if you don't want it enough to push one button I can say for sure you will never be successful if you're still here at this point and you haven't hit the button below there's only one any and thats yourself there's an old african proverb which says at there's no enemy within there's no enemy outside back and do us harm that's the only thing stopping you right now the enemy within no sane person would be here otherwise because you will make three hundred dollars and then one hundred thousand dollars on the next page this page keeps you broke the next page makes you rich so really get out this page start making money hit the button below all I know it seems like it should take more work than just one push of a button to make all this listen I get it but the real truth is you don't have to do yourself to get what you want none of the rich in this country make money themselves its all done by others be like now leave it to automation and rethinking a pushing this off to another day know this it won't be here tomorrow it might not even be here later today in fact the button could be deactivated already because we hit our limit the point is: maybe you feel this is not the perfect time for you right now well there never will be a time in your life when it's the perfect time to do a great thing so if you're just waiting for your gonna be wading into your six feet under How to become a billionaire overnight - Become a Billionaire in 2017 you have to have the vision to see that you can create it right now even though it's not perfect it will be greatness I nor use it because I see with all my clients and some screw-up wait you're comfortable you're satisfied with where you are and that seems okay to you I've got news for you it's not its suicide not regular suicide but suicide up your life suicide of your dreams have everything you ever wanted don't wanna go anymore it's too important hit the button below and start getting rich because as any psychologists will tell you your choice of what you do for a living is maybe the most important decision every life most of your time spent with your work bad years your life for the most part how are you looking at life right now is a good is a bad is what you always wanted what you always dreamed of if you're here right now you're choosing the job you have right now again and your turn your back on a hundred thousand dollars per month shoes now choose a different path choose to hit the button below and then instantly you will know you've made the right decision do it now person if I was a pitcher what I'm doing right now is throwing you will often nice and slow big in fact right over the center the play he could just here at a park it's so easy just hit the button below that hit the button inside and make 100 K per month guarantee don't let me down cuz when I give you my time I'm giving to you a portion of my life I can never get back please don't make me regret it have already spent a lot of time trying to help you and I hardly knew everything on a silver platter at the push of a button take it I get things look bleak right now and this doesn't seem possible do you think I've been through the same thing I had an injury that nearly destroyed my life and i know you've had your own injury to maybe was losing your job baby you had a health problem maybe you've had to deal with the death of a close family member or the painful and to a relationship everybody has something see we're all really the same the same person going through different bumps in the road and fate brought us together I meant to help you that's why you're here click the button below and let me help you do it now I'll see you on the other side with your money that How to become a billionaire overnight - Become a Billionaire in 2017.

The Craziest Billionaire Lifestyles!

Here are 10 Billionaires with the most RIDICULOUS lifestyles!! 10. Larry Ellison As the co-founder of Oracle Corporation, Larry Ellison is worth an astounding $56.2 billion. With that kind of money he can afford things such as military jets, yachts and a collection of homes worth close to a half billion dollars. He’s definitely no stranger to the real estate market — he’s been called “the nation’s most avid trophy-home buyer” and has all but taken over entire neighborhoods in Malibu and the Lake Tahoe area. He spent $1 million for a sound system in one of his houses, complete with a concert grade projection screen. He also owns a historic garden villa in Kyoto, Japan, which was reportedly listed for $86 million, although the price he paid is unknown. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Ellison also purchased 98 percent the Hawaiian Island, Lanai for reportedly $500 million. Still not impressed? Check this out, his Yacht, the Rising Sun, is the eighth biggest yacht in the world. He also turned his property in Woodside, California into a Japanese feudal village of sorts, complete with a manmade lake. He also owns several beach side properties, including a mansion once owned by the Astor family. Looking to get in on some the action? One of his Malibu homes, a 2,800-square-foot oceanfront cottage, is available to rent for $65,000 a month. Just round up a few friends and split that AirBNB! So I’m guessing you’re gonna assume he flies on a PJ all the time right? Nope! This man has a pilot’s license, and he prefers to do the flying himself in his military grade jets. Perhaps not coincidentally, Ellison made a cameo in Iron Man 2, because with his jets, cars, and a touch of arrogance, he isn’t all that different from Tony Stark. 9. Bidzina Ivanishvili People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks. You’ve probably heard that your whole life and maybe thought to yourself...who the h**l would live in a glass house? Well, meet Bidzina Ivanishvili. The Georgian Billionaire made his fortune in Russia from buying companies in the metals and banking industry in the 90’s. He would then sell off the companies and reinvest them in gold and American equities. He eventually moved back to his home country of Georgia, where he became Prime Minister in 2012. He would resign a year later. But we don’t care about his politics….check out this glass house we were just talking about. It’s a 108,000 square foot glass mansion with an amazing view. For a hefty sum of $50 million, Ivanishvili had this thing built, complete with a petting zoo and art collection featuring the works of Picasso, and obviously much more art worth how much you ask………just oh, around $1 billion. I guess his most prized piece is Picasso's 'Dora Maar With Cat' painting, which he paid $95.2million for at Sotheby’s in 2006. Don’t worry. He can afford it. He’s worth about $4.8 billion and obviously smart enough to continue to invest his money wisely. On a bizarre side note, his son Bera is a popular rapper in Georgia, and composed a song called Georgian Dream, which would actually be the name of the political coalition that Ivanishvili would go on to form. Who gave who inspiration here?! 8. Paul Allen The co-founder of Microsoft is worth roughly $18.6 billion, making him the 4th richest man in the world. Since his days at Microsoft, Allen has maintained his status as an American Business Magnate. In addition to founding Vulcan Inc, he also owns the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Trailblazers. With all his money and businesses however, he is an active philanthropist, contributing money to many causes, such as education, arts, scientific research and environmental conservation. But, with his money comes a whole lot of fun as well. In 2003 he purchased the Octopus a 63 foot luxury yacht that’s one of the biggest in the world. When Allen isn’t entertaining friends and family aboard this crazy yacht, it’s often loaned out for scientific research and rescue missions. This beauty is complete with a theater, a pool with a glass bottom, not one, but TWO helicopter pads, a submarine, private bars and a music recording studio. Yo, can I get a spot on those scientific research missions?! Let’s not forget he also has some pretty sweet houses. Whether it’s his $25 million mansion in Malibu, his $30 million French retreat, or his mansion on Mercer Island, this dude lives in style. One of the coolest things he has is the guitar Jimi Hendrix used at sick is that?! 7. Richard Branson Richard Branson has a net worth of just over $5 billion. He made his money after founding the Virgin Group, which is a conglomerate of over 400 companies, including Virgin Records, Virgin Mobile and Virgin Atlantic. All this started after Branson started a magazine called Student way back in the day. A bit of an eccentric dude, Branson has been known for the creative ways in which he enjoys his wealth. Exhibit A…. he bought his own island...Necker Island. The story behind how he got the island is actually pretty interesting; I highly recommend you guys to google it yourself since I’m not going to go into it in this video. Anyways, Branson, always the entrepreneur, rents out his island for about $10,000 a day when he isn’t using it himself. He’s also known for flying around the world in fancy jets, kitesurfing, skydiving and submarine rides. Branson actually isn’t the biggest showoff, and some of his money, well actually, a lot, goes towards good causes, such as using his money to help find missing children or to help combat global warming. Branson has actually been knighted, as he’s British, so we should have been technically referring to him as Sir Richard Branson! Oops! 6. Silvio Berlusconi As it turns out, America isn’t the only place to elect billionaires without political experience to lead their country. Silvio Berlusconi has served as the Italian Prime Minister on four separate occasions. Berlusconi amassed a fortune worth $7.1 billion through his mass media company, Mediaset and his football club, A.C Milan. As one of the most powerful men in the world, Berlusconi has used his status and wealth to live a lavish lifestyle. In 2009 for example, leaked documents from the Italian Senate revealed that after years of some legendary late night partying, Berlusconi was facing some serious health problems. Berlusconi has been linked with women much younger than him, such as an alleged affair with an 18 year old model back in 2009. His excessive lifestyle gained him a reputation as a playboy politician, which coupled with years of scandals and alleged corruption, often put him at odds with the Italian public. In 2010 he defended his lifestyle saying, quote, “I’m a playful person, full of life. I love life, I love women.” “Nobody can make me, at my age, change my lifestyle, of which I am absolutely proud.” He told all that to reporters in Brussels. Wellps, there you have it! 5. Clive Palmer He’s just barely a billionaire, but he seems too interesting to exclude from this list. Palmer became rich from his company, Mineralogy, an Australian mining company. He also owns a number of resorts and golf courses and was the owner of Gold Coast FC from 2008-2012. With all of his riches, he has made some odd decisions over the years. In 2013 he told the world that he would build an exact replica of the Titanic...the giant ship that sank and killed more than 1,500 people in 1912. He said, “Why build the Titanic? Why go to the moon?" "Why do the Yankees play the Redsox? Why did Christopher Columbus discover the Americas? Because they could, and I can, and we can build the Titanic.” Despite that airtight logic, as of 2016 it would appear that plans for the Titanic II have been abandoned. Doubling down on weird ideas, Palmer also opened a theme park with fake dinosaurs. He named it Palmersaurus Dinosaur Park. Thankfully he hasn’t attempted to make actual dinosaurs or anything like that, so we don’t have a Jurassic Park type disaster on our hands here. However, as a part of the Palmer Coolum Resort, Jeff the T-Rex greets golfers at the 9th hole. His net worth however, has taken a nosedive in recent years. Once worth close to $6 billion, he now is worth just around $1 billion. 4. Howard Hughes As a staple in the film and aviation industries, Howard Hughes was among the most successful entrepreneurs of his time. His big budget films such as Scarface, Hell’s Angels and the Outlaw, made him a hollywood staple in the 1920’s and 30’s and his penchant for flying led him to establish the Hughes Aircraft Company in 1932. With a net worth of more than $3 billion and an eccentric personality, Hughes lived a rather colorful lifestyle. He dated plenty of famous and attractive women and did random things such as buying a luxury yacht called Rover on a whim. Hughes never saw the boat before buying it, but he liked the blueprints so he just went ahead and bought it. But his true passion was airplanes. He set many world air speed records and developed the Hughes H-1 Racer and the H-4 Hercules, better known as the Spruce Goose. The 2004 film The Aviator starring Leonardo Dicaprio chronicled his personal life, and was nominated for 11 Academy Awards. Definitely seems appropriate for one of the 20th century’s most brilliant people. 3. Huang Yimin This Chinese entrepreneur publicly displayed his wealth when he bought a private island in 2011. In doing so he became the first person from China with the distinct honor of owning their own island. After paying just around a half million dollars to own the certificate to the island, Huang announced that he planned to turn it into a hunting reserve for wealthy Chinese businessman. Hunting apparently is the latest craze in China. The Danmenshen Island was uninhabited when he bought it, but Huang’s ambition was to populate the island with all sorts of animals. Hunting enthusiasts can visit his island and try their hand at shooting some of these poor and unfortunate animals. Huang has already spent over $5 million to stock the island with wild boar, pheasants and deer. Outside of his affinity for playing with the laws of nature by populating islands with creatures for the sole purpose of killing them, we actually don’t know a whole lot about Huang. He made his fortune in the petrochemical industry, and as you can see, uses some of his wealth in some bizarre ways. 2. Jeff Greene This isn’t Larry David’s sidekick, but rather a billionaire real estate mogul who once got involved with politics. Sadly this has become pretty normal here in America, and a dude named Jeff Green has been a part of that trend. He began saving money while in business school to invest in real estate. Obviously he was pretty good at it as he’s amassed a huge fortune over the years, ultimately landing him on the Forbes 400 list. Aside from his unsuccessful senate bid in 2010, Greene has been known for his lavish lifestyle and affinity for boxing. In 2005, his luxury yacht allegedly caused some damage to the Belize Coral Reef. Though he wasn’t even on the ship at the time, he still faced a fine of over $1 million. That’s pretty much pocket change for a dude worth around $3 billion. Apparently, his aforementioned love of boxing sparked a friendship with Mike Tyson. Tyson was the best man of Greene’s wedding in 2007, and would later retract tales he told of an epic adventure aboard Greene’s yacht, involving a drug dealer from Amsterdam. Whether or not the story is true...who knows? But this IS Mike Tyson we’re talking about here, and he doesn’t seem like the type to lie, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. 1. Hassanal Bolkiah As the Sultan and Prime Minister of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah is worth around $20 billion, give or take a few million bucks. The Sultan has used a portion of his wealth to amass one of the largest private car collections, probably in the history of humans. This collection of cars, which is said to include some 7,000 vehicles, supposedly cost billions of dollars. SEVEN. THOUSAND. CARS. Legend has it, this amazing collection includes 300 ferraris, 600 Rolls Royces (one of which is coated in 24 karat gold), 6 Mclaren f1s and thousands more cars. And it’s not just the cars. He travels the world by flying his own Boeing 747. What about his houses?! Good thing you brought that up. The Istana Nurul Iman is the official palace of the Sultan, and it’s one of the largest in the world. Complete with 1,800 rooms and 17 stories, it cost over $1 billion to build. The Sultan even owns luxury hotels all over the world, including the Beverly Hills Hotel and the Dorchester in London. Custom cigars, helicopters, gold cars, and a fancy palace…all just the perks of being a 20 Billionaire.

Meet the Chinese Billionaire Who Opened Shop in Ohio: VICE News Tonight on HBO

New numbers out this week show manufacturing in the U.S. is growing, with orders and sales at their highest levels since 2014. Factories that pump out products also create jobs. But in one Rust Belt town, that's seen tens of thousands of manufacturing layoffs, the new jobs come with a different kind of boss. Americans are working in Moraine, Ohio again, thanks to a new enormous factory, which began production last year. And the company isn't local, or American. — I like all three of those, too. — Cao Dewang is the chairman of Fuyao, one of the largest auto glass manufacturers in the world. He's a billionaire, and... that's the large portrait of Cao that hangs in his office. — Why did you choose Moraine, Ohio? — It wasn't just any factory. It was the old General Motors manufacturing plant in Moraine, Ohio, which closed in 2008 and left almost 1,100 people without jobs. — It was empty, six-ish years. Plants growing up in a parking lot, it looked like an abandoned factory. — Elaine Allison is the Mayor of Moraine. She, along with Ohio's Governor John Kasich, personally lobbied Cao to choose the old GM plant. — That was the city of Moraine's largest employer. And the city gets payroll taxes, which is how we fund our city operations. So, when that dried up, then we had to make some serious cutbacks. — What sort of cutbacks? — Well, we held off on doing capital improvement projects, like paving roads, buying equipment. We just had to put a moratorium on everything, just to keep the city afloat. — Fuyao isn't investing in the United States to help cities like Moraine. The company, which supplies auto glass to many large American car manufacturers, including Ford, Chevrolet, and GM, is doing it because it's good for business. The World Bank estimates that China's tax rate as a percentage of profits is 68%, but only 44% in the U.S. Chinese labor is also now only 4% cheaper than it is in the United States. That's led to a growing influx of Chinese investment, from just over $2-billion in 2011, to nearly $55-billion last year. It's also creating jobs. Roughly 2,000 people now work at the plant, many of them former GM employees. — Yeah, it is really weird. — Steve Qvick never expected to be back inside, much less while on the payroll of a Chinese company. — When I walked in, I got some old memories popped up. Right now, it doesn't even remind me of the GM plant. When I walk in here, this is Fuyao. And I enjoy walking in here and knowing that I'm coming to Fuyao. — So one of the interesting things about this factory is that it very much runs against the national narrative of jobs moving overseas, from the U.S. to China. These jobs came here from China. Have you thought about that at all? — I know that I, personally, am very grateful that they are here, because it did bring jobs back to this community. — Do you think of it as a Chinese company with American workers, or do you think of it as, like, an American company with a Chinese boss? — I'm going to say neither. It's two different cultures that kind of came together rather quickly in one operation. And... it's kind of hard to explain. — It isn't just the workers that are having to adapt. Fuyao is still getting used to U.S. regulations. And American labor unions. — There have been American workers who have refused to do things, and they will send a Chinese person who will do it without question. — Jason Turner and Roberto Martinez are thankful to have manufacturing jobs in 2017, but they feel like Fuyao is still operating as though it were in China. — I worked a lot of factory jobs in my lifetime and I haven't experienced this type of level of safety issues. — Fuyao Currently has 24 pending violations with the U.S. Department of Labor. It's appealed all 24 of them. When we checked with a government safety official, we were told that the number isn't unusually high for a factory of its size. — We're grateful that the jobs are there. We just feel they could be better. — And safer. — And safer, yes. — Growing pains in the United States have been compounded by pushback in China, where the company has been accused of outsourcing jobs and business. Cao, though, says that nothing has changed. — Do you feel like you've learned something about doing business in the United States, especially with manufacturing, that others might benefit from knowing about? — It's hard to argue that Cao hasn't achieved at least some of this balance with the new factory. — Steve, the former GM worker, hadn't met Cao when we first spoke to him. But he's wanted to thank him in person ever since he started almost two years ago. — So I'd like to thank him for bringing his company here, for us and our community. it's very, very lucrative for us. And we appreciate it. — You're welcome. Thank you.

Billionaire Boys of India | Ferrari Lamborghini Supercar Vlogs | Rich Lifestyle of Delhi

welcome guys I ll just give you a quick tour of all the cars present out here check out the m4 austin yellow color you must have seen this car in my gold digger video spot NAGA CHAITANYA TOLLYWOOD SUPERSTAR it opens like a *fire fighter PLANE lol whatsup everyone righnt now i am in the nissan GTR and we are just waiting for the cars to exit so that we can enter the track lets see how it goes on the track check out the line up guys

10 Most Ridiculous Things Bought by Billionaires!

10 Most ridiculous things bought by billionaires 10) Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei – Move over, King Midas! He's the second richest royal in the world, and he's not shy about showing it off. Where is Brunei? It’s a small nation on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. The sultan, who is worth approximately $20 billion from oil and gas, pimped out his Boeing 747-400 by casting most amenities on the private jet in solid gold. The total cost for this expensive indulgence was over $220 million. 9) Jocelyn Wildenstein – Born in Switzerland Wildenstein inherited her billions by marrying a billionaire, but their blissful marriage soon turned sour after she found out he was cheating on her with a 19 year old Russian model. She promptly divorced him and was made independently rich from the settlement. What makes her purchases so ridiculous, aside from the $600,000 a year phone/wine/food bill, is her penchant for having plastic surgery to make her look like a cat. Yes, we said “cat.” The heiress reportedly spent over $4 million having her face sculpted to look like a fierce feline because of her husband's love for the animals. We just think it's kind of creepy. 8) Clive Palmer – What started out as a book and was made into a hit movie was also, to billionaire Clive Palmer, a reality that he may have wanted to make happen. Fans of Jurassic Park will be thrilled to hear that there were rumors this megalomaniac may have been just crazy enough to try and fund cloning dinosaurs. It hasn’t happened yet, but recent discoveries have revealed that cloning carnivorous behemoths like the T-rex isn't too far out of the realm of possibility. He has said quote “I want to spend the money I’ve got before I die.” How much is that? About $2.2 Billion dollars 7) Roman Abramovich - Is it really worth being rich if you have to worry about missile attacks? Roman Abramovich, a Russian business man with a net worth of approximately $12.8B, owns the Eclipse yacht which is the second largest private yacht in the world. It’s also rumored to have a missile defense system. Besides being prepared for possible airborne projectiles the vessel also has two helipads, a dance club, multiple hot tubs, a swimming pool, 18 cabins, and a mini submarine. The 536 ft (163.5m) boat has a crew of around 70. The cost? It’s estimated at about $500 million but then there are some estimates that it may be over $1 billion. 6) Peter Thiel – The co-founder of Paypal and Facebook investor has invested in many seemingly ridiculous ideas, such as human immortality and floating ocean cities. He has now set his sights on a new endeavor: fake steak. Thiel has agreed to give Modern Meadow, the laboratory developing this product, as much as $300,000 to create artificial steaks using a 3D printer. It's actually a fairly brilliant idea, one that vegetarians and vegans will certainly love. With meat prices being what they are and a growing shortage of animals to cook up, this sustainable invention may just end the war between veggie-lovers and meat-lovers. 5) Chris Evans – Motorheads across the globe know how to appreciate their cars, but radio host Chris Evans has taken this to the extreme. Evans spent on a 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO what most of the rich and famous would spend on a house – a jaw-dropping $19 million! Evans sold his prized to make room in his collection for a car he's been coveting for years. Negotiations finally came through, and the previous owner sold it to Evans for the aforementioned sum. Having Evans as an owner is rather fitting, though; he hosts the popular UK television series Top Gear, a show dedicated to all things related to cars and racing. 4) Mukesh Ambani – India's richest man felt that $1 billion was a reasonable amount of money to spend on a house. The Ambani residence, a 27-story architectural dream called Antilia, has three helipads and a 50-seat movie theater. Other amenities have been hushed, as the Ambani family doesn't speak to the media about the contents and design of the house, but the inside must be pretty amazing. It is, after all, a billion-dollar home. 3) Prince Alwaleed bin Talal – Prince Alwaleed is notorious for exaggerating his already vast wealth. A rumor started spreading across the internet that he had purchased a diamond-encrusted Mercedes Benz. If this were true, it would put all other billionaire purchases to shame. Unfortunately, the car is actually covered in 300,000 Swarovski crystals rather than diamonds, and the prince has denied ownership of the dazzling automobile. On another note, in July 2015 the prince said he will donate his billion fortune to charity. 2) Robert Klark Graham – Rather than spending his millions on expensive cars or lavish housing, the optometrist built a sperm bank in 1980 that only accepted donations from winners of the Nobel Prize. Graham ran into a problem, however, when he discovered that the majority of the donations from the laureates (most of whom were quite old) weren't virile, so he had to accept sperm from “lesser” minds. Not much is known about the outcome of the some 229 children born from his life's work, however at least one was reportedly studying algebra and reading hamlet in Kindergarten 1) Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al Nahyan – Also known as The Rainbow Sheikh for buying 7 mercedes and painting them each a different color of the rainbow, Sheikh Hamad really wanted to make a statement to the world. Well, he succeeded. It's just a pity only those who were airborne had a chance of seeing it. Hamad engraved his name in a two mile long display of ego on his own private island, Al Futaisi . The letters on the earthly signature were 1 kilometer high and could be seen from space. In 2012 the letters were removed for an unknown reason.

15 Hottest Billionaire Daughters!

15 Hottest Billionaire Daughters! 15. Holly Branson The daughter of famous billionaire mogul Richard Branson, Holly Branson actually does her best to keep her head out of the spotlight beyond appearances at her father's events. Because of this, she has been able to escape the seemingly endless scandals which plague the other elite's offspring. Holly earned a degree from the prestigious University College in London, and now serves as a Junior Doctor of Neurology at Westminster Hospital. It's truly nice to see a woman of her stature and status doing well, since so many seem to get it wrong and end up on the cover of tabloids. 14. Charlotte Casiraghi Being the granddaughter of the famous and beautiful Grace Kelly and being a member of the prestigious Grimaldi family, Charlotte Casiraghi seemingly has it all. Add to this the fact that her mother is Princess Caroline of Monaco, and it's not hard to see why heads turn in Charlotte's direction when she enters a room. Not content to simply stay at home and enjoy her wealth, though, Charlotte has a career as a Jumper at Equestrian shows. She was also featured on the cover of the French Vogue magazine, sporting such brands as Chanel, Gucci, Balmain, and Isabel Marant. 13. Georgina Bloomberg Mayor Michael Bloomberg is no mystery to New Yorkers, but many people may not realize just how rich the Bloomberg family really is. Topping $43 billion, they are definitely doing well. No one exemplifies this better than Georgina Bloomberg, Mayor Bloomberg's daughter. In addition to being filthy rich, Georgina is a stunning sight to behold. She's no daddy's girl exclusively, though - she's making her own name in the world as an accomplished author as well as an award winning equestrian. If you haven't heard of her yet though, it's only because she's responsible and has a good head on her shoulders, unlike certain rich daughters. 12. Marta Ortega Perez Although Marta Perez is not well known like some of the beautiful and rich women on this list, she wouldn't mind hearing someone say that. She keeps her head down intentionally, because she's focused on business. Her father, Amancio Ortega, is a Spanish billionaire and fashion executive. Their family has a net worth estimated to be over $60 billion, and Amancio is currently grooming his daughter Marta to take over the family business when he is ready to retire. Marta is also extremely passionate about horses, and is a talented equestrian. 11. Alannah Weston The Weston Family, which is dispersed between Canada and the United Kingdom, are prominent and well known in the business world for their dealings in food and clothing. They now control over 200 companies worldwide, and have an estimated net worth of over $9 billion. Alannah Weston is the most recent heiress of the family fortune, and is well known in her own right as a philanthropist like her father Galen Weston. She's also the Creative Director of Selfridges, which is a department store chain purchased by her father in 2003. 10. Allison Sarofim Daughter of famed Coptic Egyptian American billionaire Fayez Sahalaby Sarofim, Allison Sarofim is a multi-level success. Not only is she a successful businesswoman in her own right, owning a salon which she created by transforming her West Village townhouse, she is also a classically trained chef and an actress. In addition to being beautiful and wealthy, she's well known for her charity work. 9. Josie Ho Chiu Yi The western world certainly has a lot of beautiful, billionaire heiresses, but we don't have a monopoly on them. Josie Ho Chiu Yi is the daughter of Stanley Ho, who is a business magnate from Hong Kong and is best known for his casino and real estate holdings. Although Stanley Ho handed over the reigns to his business to his other daughter, Pansy Ho, Josie has been involved in the family business for many years and also is a well-known actress and singer in Hong Kong. She's also a renowned socialite who is never far from important circles of the rich and powerful, all over the world. 8. Anna Getty The Getty family is known to those who are interested in the richest of the rich. Referring to George Franklin Getty as their Patriarch, as well as his son Jean Paul Getty, the Getty family made their fortune in the 20th century's booming petroleum industry. Now known for supplying a huge majority of stock photography on the internet via Getty Images, the Getty family is estimated to be worth somewhere around $5 billion. Anna Getty is among the latest generation of the Getty family, and is a successful yoga teacher and writer. 7. Amanda Hearst Being born into an already rich and famous family will certainly help your station in life. Such is the case for Amanda Hearst, who is the great granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst. William Hearst was a publishing mastermind and pioneered the Hearst family fortune in the early 20th century. Amanda Hearst is now a well known socialite in New York CIty, and has been featured in tons of magazines, both for her wealth and her activism. She also maintains a successful modelling career, which she actually began to pursue after dropping out of college. 6. Dylan Lauren It's sort of difficult not to be rich, famous, gorgeous, and successful when your father is Ralph Lauren. Though her father's success certainly helped her gain her station in life, Dylan has forged her own path - as well as her own line of clothes - and made a great deal of money on her own. After attaining a degree in Art History from Duke University, Dylan Lauren took a long trip around the world to discover new artistic mediums, concepts, and ideas. She then opened a candy store, inspired in part by Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. She's been running the store successfully since 2001. 5. Ariana Rockefeller Being a fifth generation member of the world-renowned Rockefeller family should say all you need to know about Ariana Rockefeller. However, she also enjoys a successful career as a philanthropist, entrepreneur, fashion designer, and business owner. Though going to college is not always necessary for people at her level of wealth, Ariana achieved a degree in Political Science at Columbia College. She currently spends a large amount of her time involved in the Save The Garment District Initiatives. To this end, she ensured that her brand of apparel manufactured in the famous district of Midtown Manhattan, which the organization aims to protect. 4. Aerin Lauder Aerin Lauder is the daughter of Ronald Steven Lauder, who is a well-known American entrepreneur, political activist, art collector, and philanthropist. Aerin is now the heiress to a fortune of nearly $4 billion, and works as the Style and Image Director for Estee Lauder. This is of course the company which bears her grandmother's namesake, so you can be sure that her opinion counts for quite a bit there. She also has a brand of perfume, fashion apparel, and furniture which bear her own namesake, called AERIN. 3. Ivanka Trump Although not many people knew her before the recent election cycle, Ivanka Trump's name has been known in the elite circles for some time now. This is in part because she's absolutely stunning, but mostly due to the fact that she's known to be brilliant. She's been involved in many of her father, Donald Trump's business ventures, as well as started many of her own. Additionally, Ivanka is a successful writer and fashion model. Though they are almost never in the spotlight, Ivanka is now happily married and is also a mother. Currently she maintains her business interests in addition to helping her father on the campaign trail. If her father takes office, it's assumed that Ivanka will be involved in his Presidency in one regard or another. *Now that her father has taking office, we will surely see her involved in his Presidency in one regard or another. 2. Tamara Ecclestone Daughter of legendary Formula 1 billionaire Bernie Ecclestone, Tamara Ecclestone has been a successful TV personality since first appearing as the presenter for Red Bull's Air Race World Championship in 2006. Since then she's appeared as the presenter for many shows, including the Sky Sports Italia presenter for the Formula 1 season in 2009. In 2011 she was the titular character in the reality TV show Tamara Ecclestone: Billion $$$ Girl. She's now involved in many different productions for lifestyle and fashion shows, and is also the frontwoman for the Ultimo lingerie brand. 1. Petra Ecclestone Petra is the younger sister of Tamara and of course also the daughter of Bernie Ecclestone. Sharing in the family fortune, she's known far and wide as both a billionaire socialite and an already successful businesswoman. This is especially surprising when you consider that she is just 27, and started her first line of men's clothing at only 19 years old. Although the brand, called FORM, has since closed, Petra now runs another successful brand called Stark. She's also appeared on television shows a few times, taking after her sister in this regard.

13 Things You Didn't Know About BILLIONAIRE BRANSON!

13 Things You Didn't Know About Richard Branson 13. Investing to go into outer space- Virgin Galactic is a spaceflight company within the Virgin group company. It's currently developing a commercial aircraft for suborbital spaceflights to tourists. His company has rescheduled space flights and testing and commencement of flights have been pushed back several times over the course of eight years due to technicalities. In 2014, the VSS Enterprise broke apart during a test flight killing the co-pilot and leaving the pilot with severe injuries. The fatal disaster has pushed for positive changes in future spaceflights and Richard Branson and his team are working on another launch that they hope to be successful! 12. He had no knowledge about business- He named his company virgin because he was inexperienced...with business. Branson often referred to his business opportunities as risky and his interest in life from it came from trying to set himself apart of unachievable challenges and rising above it. His first company was Virgin Records rose on top, which is worth 16 billion dollars today. He's also come close to being bankrupt on a few occasions in the past, more notably before selling Virgin Records to keep his other company, Virgin Atlantic alive. Despite his struggles, he's continued to be successful always coming up with new and innovative ideas. 11. He's nicknamed Dr. Yes- He's nicknamed “Dr. Yes,” due his motto which states, “life is more interesting when you say yes!” He says his success is attributed to just saying yes and giving everything a try. He describes himself as being adventurous, curious and fun-loving which strives him to do better in his work. He also states that he has no plans to retire anytime soon and that his favorite saying is, “screw it, let's do it!” I guess you can use that motto and apply it to anything! 10. His inventions are unique- Besides the totally cool space airliner VSS Enterprise and his infamous charter yacht named Necker Belle, Branson has also created the Necker Nymph. It's a submersible vehicle owned and operated by Virgin Aquatic. It depends on hydrodynamic forces to navigate. It can dive up to 130 feet underwater, holding one pilot and two passengers. The aero submarine is one of a kind, intended for use for deep sea exploration. It can be used for swimming with dolphins, uncovering secret treasure, finding ancient shipwrecks or just cruising over the reef banks. The possibilities are endless! It's ultra lightweight and compact, with missions only being conducted on Necker island. Dives can last up to two hours and are accompanied by a certified Necker Nymph pilot. It has low light and noise emissions leaving the ocean ecosystem virtually untouched. 9. He's in the entertainment field- Branson has actually made a lot of guest appearances as himself on numerous tv shows, including Baywatch, Friends, The Simpsons, Goodness Gracious Me, Only Fools and Horses and the list goes on! He also loves Star Trek and named the VSS Enterprise in honor of the famous series. He's made appearances on comedy shows poking fun at himself as well as political channel networks to raise awareness about social issues. Other movies he's made appearances in are, Around the World in 80 days, Casino Royale, Superman Returns and Men in Black III. He's also a renowned author, publishing seven books and using his interest in ecological issues as a catalyst in his work. He also states his inspiration and dear friend Nelson Mandela has been a big insight when writing his books and calls being a friend of his as an honor. 8. He's a family man- Who doesn't love a family man? Branson stated that he always puts his family first and has a daughter and a son with his wife Joan Templeman. They've been married since 1989 and wed on his private island. He's also a grandfather to three grandchildren and loves spending time with them. He likes to keep his family mostly out of the spotlight when it comes to celebrity media and news, stating that he doesn't want any bad publicity on wife or kids. He cites his mother as his hero and his family as an inspiration to his work. 7. He's an avid humanitarian- He's part of an elite group called The Elders, formed by Nelson Mandela in South Africa, the group creates peaceful solutions and approaches to global warming and political conflicts. He's a founding sponsor of the International Center for MIssing & Exploited Children, as well as an activist of Global Zero; a campaign to eliminate all nuclear weapons worldwide. His other works include the Branson School of Enterprise to help improve economic growth in South Africa. His favorite charity is the Virgin Group's non profit entrepreneurial foundation called Virgin Unite. It's a nonprofit group that supports a multitude of subjects, like advocating for gay rights, reforming drug policies, poaching and reforming the death penalty. Whew, is there anything else he doesn't do?! 6. He has a multitude of hobbies- He loves to collect memorable cars, his first car was a 1968 British Morris Mini-Minor and his favorite sports is a tie between kitesurfing and tennis. He owns a plethora of luxury lodges and even a private island called Neckers island, where he host extravagant celebrity parties. He enjoys playing chess and practices yoga or tai-chi to help keep him focused. Branson has also been knighted by the queen for his entrepreneurship. He was awarded Knight Bachelor of the Order of the British Empire in the 2000 Queen's Millennium New Year's Honours List. Not to mention, that he's also an ordained minister by the Universal Life Church. 5. Random Facts- Just for fun, here are some random, weird and interesting facts for you diehard Richard Branson fans! Branson is very fond of tea, preferably white with no sugar, drinking it up to twenty cups a day! His favorite food is his wife's stew or shepherd's pie. He loves to vacation to South Africa, Bali, Australia, and Kenya for the holidays, and his favorite musicians are Peter Gabriel and Mike Oldfield, while his favourite band is The Sex Pistols Branson also carries a notebook everyday in case he needs to jot down ideas. He use to own a Blackberry, but recently switched to an iPhone to take better pictures, you got to have good selfies of course! 4. He has a funny side- One memorable incident involved Richard Branson dressing up as a sultry flight attendant on a AirAsia flight from Australia to Lumpur. He had on false eyelashes, bright red lipstick and was serving up beverages in a red dress with heels. He even went as far to get his legs waxed! He wasn't wearing this for fun and he wasn't crossdressing. Several years ago Richard Branson and AirAsia group CEO Tony Fernandes made a bet on their Formula racing teams during the 2010 Formula 1 Grand Prix in Abu Dhabi. The loser would have to dress up as a flight attendant on the winner's airline. Branson was a good sport throughout the whole event and even didn't mind the entertaining attention. 3. He's in the Guinness World Records- Richard Branson has been listed in the Guinness World Records not once but seven times! His most notable record was achieved at sixty one years old when fulfilled a kiteboarding recording crossing from Dymchurch, Kent to Wimereux in three hours and forty five minutes. He also broke the record for “Most People Riding a Kitesurf Board” with four models clinging onto him! His other world records include being the first person in a hot air balloon to cross the Atlantic. As well as, being the first person to reach one million followers on the business networking site LinkedIn. 2. His personal info- Everyone knows him as just a businessman, but Richard Branson is more than just that. A lot of his life has been on display since he is the CEO and founder of Virgin company, although there is much a lot of people don't know about him. His full name is Richard Charles Nicholas Branson and he was born in Blackheath London on July 18, 1950. He left school at 16 and shortly started a publication magazine. Even though he struggled with dyslexia as a child, Branson didn't let that hold him back. His mom said that she always knew her son would be successful, even stating that he could take on the role of a prime minister. His most proudest achievement is running a recording label and building an airline with Virgin Atlantic. 1. He's one of the top five richest in the world- Aside from being one of the top five richest in the world. His net worth is estimated to be worth $5.6 billion as of April 2016. His Virgin empire includes over two hundred operating companies worldwide. These companies span from airlines, mobiles companies and music festivals. He's always been a successful business mogul and Forbes ranked him one of Britain's highest profile billionaires.

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