Korean History

[Korean Culture Series] A brief history of Korea

Hello everyone? I Jeong Semi charge of the progress of the Korea Culture series is Cyber ​​University of Korea developed as part of the public service. Today, we learn together about the whole history of Korea. Overview of the history of Korea As for Korea, because of the prehistoric period covered in the other side with the ethnic origin of the Korea People This piece will attempt to briefly explain the history of South Korea's Chosun ranging from the Joseon (1392-1910). In this section is to only deal with a history spanning thousands of years it will be briefly mentioned by screening important because. Contemporary history, such as the colonization of Korea, Japan and the democratization process will be happy to explain in more detail complements the other side. The pieces in the history of Korea were classified into five times, is the Chosun era, Three Kingdoms, Goryeo Dynasty, Joseon Dynasty and the Japanese colonial rule. History previous period, there was a country that is already in the form of grants with national cities in the north of the peninsula and the Songhua River Basin Ye. Gojoseon was founded prevailed in the area between the Liao and Taedong River. This was one of the most developed countries of the United Kingdom of Gojoseon, who is the protagonist of the founding of the Chosun Tangun Tangun myth was wanggeom. Myth contents of the most well-known version starts with a bear and a tiger appeared want to be this person. "Son of a given ring, Hwanung has become a man hiding in a dark cave was instructed not look for 100 days sunshine eating only mugwort and garlic. The Tigers did not bear the bear endured 100 days became a man (Ungnyeo), married and gave birth to a son, Tangun Hwanung wanggeom ". (Nelson 1993: 155). To do this, Tangun was born with the construction of the kingdom of Joseon gukho with the meaning "Land of the Morning Calm" in Pyongyang. According to legend, the people are the descendants of Tangun Korea. People consider the Joseon they do not think the biological descendants of Tangun, Tangun people think that their first king. Of course, some of the descendants of Tangun yigetjiman because biologically, and some people are Korea was the naturalization of those who immigrated from foreign descent. Tangun mythology has exerted a great influence on the timing of a strong nationalist sentiments, while South Korea who experienced Japanese colonial rule. Important history of the Three Kingdoms Period of the Republic of Korea with the Chosun South Korea is also looking to those who have questions about why we expressed interest in "Three Kingdoms" will be a great value. Author of three reasons gimjungsun General description of the series it is assumed as follows. First, the concerns that the process of Northeast China in particular may misinterpret the ancient history of Korea has brought heightened attention to Goguryeo. This was the image can fight the powerful forces of the country, including the north, Tang Goguryeo horsemen were nomads It has taken a national pride that symbolizes the victory of Koguryo yongmaengseong the stands. The Chinese government began a large-scale campaign to create a history of the past Koguryo (BC 37-668 AD) and Balhae (698-926) from 2002 to the history of China. According to this interpretation, the Koguryo was a local government achieved a minority belongs to the Northeast region under Chinese domination. For loading force to this argument the government is supporting several research projects on this topic. Second, Korea, people have found similarities in the Korean peninsula divided into three as the current situation in Korea is divided into two Kingdoms era. Third, because the current awareness that the core roots of the Korea Culture comes from a certain part of the Three Kingdoms period. Patriarchal forms the axis of Korea family relationships to those in the appropriate case, the system has been heavily influenced by Confucianism Even though the current lift slugs at the same speed, but has gradually evolved. In fact, the Chinese Confucianism is chyeotneunde meals a profound impact on South Korea, especially in the old Joseon Dynasty, South Korea's Three Kingdoms period is the time to have sexual side was relatively equal. In fact, there are three or Queen, the Silla Kingdom people. It has recently been elected the first female president in South Korea, consider not just a coincidence, I would have the Three Kingdoms period, particularly reflecting the cultural heritage of Silla. Three Kingdoms From now on, we'll learn the history of the Three Kingdoms of Korea as concrete. When the Three Kingdoms period, known as the Little League State has to go alongside the existing three countries. But I did not get a true country comparable to the Three Kingdoms. Gaya was sandwiched state between Silla and Baekje, is due to fallout of the two countries did not have the opportunity to go to a perfected political and social development. The gritty clarifications, immediately appeared in Yusa said Kim Su-ro is going to marry the king of the Indian ahyuta 0 shares Heo Hwang-ok 48 years. Goguryeo, the northernmost tip of the peninsula is located in the founding of the country as the first among the three countries, was founded by Jumong came from the cities of the country which granted 37 BC Songhua River basin. Koguryo people had engaged in agriculture and their land was not fertile enough to intensive agriculture. Koguryo was placed in a constant threat of being invaded from without nomads who was perched on the Chinese forces north of the border. The Koguryo people who had to cope with the ikhyeotgo gimasul, the early days that the military advantage over the Silla and Baekje. Goguryeo were to shine under the rule of Gwanggaeto the Great (391-413) His military achievements are inscribed on the memorial monument erected on the Tomb of the Gwanggaeto ten thousand shares in the current Jian (集 安) when Tung geowoo (通 溝). Goguryeo was 598 years, 612 years, and was strong enough to repel all those countries at the time of the invasion of the Tang suffered aggression and 645 years, 647 years of the Sui. With archaeological material presumed to Goguryeo era, as well as city and fortress, surrounded by stacked stone walls to the castle include the tomb decorated with murals. According to the literature, Goguryeo was a wealthy and power elites in or create a grave for yourself When you conduct other public business was a class society to mobilize a lot of manpower. In the tomb murals of Goguryeo and also the hunting scenes painted in bright colors, and look at the murals There are also other scenes drawn together as husband and wife, This means that the social status of women and men are relatively similar. In such a historic place in Korea ritualistic culture, clothing and housing in the form of Goguryeo era, it shows that this time the culture to some extent continues. The only letter written at this time are with the Chinese sourced from China, the Chinese leaders have learned to do their jobs efficiently. 372 years, Goguryeo was founded in the national institutions of 'Taixue' that is based on the Confucian philosophy, Goguryeo leaders were imitating while maintaining their traditional culture of the Chinese system. (Nelson 1993). Buddhism has been duly authorized by the Koguryo has been delivered from northern China 372 years, we coexist with the indigenous Buddhist religious practices also in Shamanism. But Goguryeo belonged to the north, changing countries, the cultural achievements had to be remarkable. Indeed Koguryo it incorporates most of Manchuria with Goguryeo territory occupied by a total of 1,400 of China's villages and 64 forts. (Lee 1984). Contemporary Koreans tend to think that the powers that Koguryo deter military aggression in China and expand the territory to China. Overpowered by the massive invasion of the country is a history of Koguryo symbolizes the pride of the Korean people. Baekje kingdom is the son of the brother of temperature control Jumong established Goguryeo BC '18 founded the south. Temperature control was left in the stronghold southeast of the Han River in Seoul. Bleach was the economy mainly depends on agriculture because it left the base in the area where rice cultivation is the best in Korea. Cultural relics of the early Baekje period has not been preserved were written was not even a little left. Geunamado since the Silla and Tang armies haegan looting has left very little in it, the grave was robbed or left, the town became deserted temples have been destroyed. The remaining ruins are all that is the cornerstone of temples and pagodas, etc., etc., which is located a little further north than 0 shares granted was the last capital of the Baekje and there. But in recent years, we are open to new information on bleach in a new archaeological sites. Surprisingly, most of the Baekje artifacts and architectural remains far is that it is well preserved as a sacred relic of Japan. Hers that the design of the temple unearthed near Grant is well preserved as sacred relics of early Japan. The design of the temple unearthed near the Grant In the same batch as those of the early Japanese temples, the Japanese seemed no doubt that mimics the Baekje architecture. Baekje royal family is the first occasion of the 4th century in China, probably has introduced a lot of relics of former times, but Buddhism is brought to this country as 384 years. In addition, the kings and the queens such as brass and bronze shoes found in the Tomb of King Muryeong (501-523) shows an aspect of luxury seureowotdeon Baekje upper classes. Bleach houses are off the lights in the kitchen warming up the districts of the stone floor, it currently widely used in Korea ondol heating way at home. The reason is that bleach can be said that the most internationalization kingdom in Korea can be said because the relationship between China and Japan Kansai Gangnam area. Baekje had delivered to Japan after combining Buddhism, character, and a lot of Chinese art and their unique culture. Baekje art has been the cornerstone of Japanese art Asuka period (552-645). (Hatada 1969; Cumings 1997). Baekje people as read and write in Chinese in the fourth century, scientists dispatched in Yamato, Japan has taught the classics of Japanese people in China. (Nelson 1993). After 397 years, so has the Prince of Baekje going to come to Japan relations between the two countries has been the announcement. The artifacts found in kigo Gino minutes near Nara, Japan is deulyigido evidence of the cultural ties between Baekje and Japan. (Nelson 1993). In the six towns mayor meeting held captive in a place called, or Seorabeol in the race Plains 57 BC During the night, seats, 3-star Kim was elected a person to alternately ruled the kingdom. Since the fourth century was a royal Kim clan became hereditary. But three centuries, the occupied danghagido when Goguryeo, starting from the 4th century, Silla was later ruled that the Nakdong River and occupied one gayaguk. Thus, two euros to plug in the geographic locations that could swell the forces of Silla, because it was obtained in a relatively safe distance from the Chinese side borders. The Shilla was a "golpum (骨 品) system" Sophisticated Social caste system was based on the identity that is determined by the high and low of the lineage. The highest rank of golpumje also was divided into several sub-classes as 'relic', the next highest rank was 'jingol' re under it. Silla has left the military fortress, temple, Buddhist temples, pagodas, palaces, and even numerous archaeological remains such observatories. In addition, Silla was the best in features, such as iron weapons, Silla is famous for its art galleries, or Hwarang composed of young warriors. The gallery is also famous as the five kinds of virtue to keep them secular Fifth, That information is not such as to hold back the gods, battle for Hyosung, a friend of the faithful, the parents of the king, do not carelessly killing. These values ​​reflect the integrative aspects of Buddhism and Confucianism. Where the Silla culture is best preserved is the tomb of the great race. Among the excavated grave goods include geumgarakji who becomes caught brass, gold earrings, illicit Belt, and every finger. Indeed, the Silla around the 9th century, was called to the Arabs as "Land is the gold sparkling." Before it is delivered from Buddhist thought and practice in China has a huge impact on kkichyeot Silla. In some Chinese look at the carved stone monuments already in the 5th century, Silla, you can definitely see that was a character with the community. And Bunhwangsa mojeon pagoda before piling into a three-storey brick appears to be taken to form the Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, China Tang Dynasty capital. In addition, the capital of Silla was patterned after the planned city of Xi'an in China, like Nara, Japan. By the way, speaking about the temple it is retained until the temple is the largest and most prestigious in the Silla period the temple was built 553 years Hwangnyongsa temple was burned down in 1238 when the Mongol invasion. Bulguksa temple, while the most famous was the same age it is still remain. Cultural Heritage of the Three Kingdoms Kingdoms have frequently attack each other through alone or union could not co-exist peacefully. Finally, the last and while Silla occupied the Han River basin through the back kkoehan west coast of the United Nations and the Chinese Tang destroyed Baekje in 660 years, Sikimyeo has 668 years subjugate the Goguryeo finally build a unified Silla as the only ruling power of the Korean peninsula. In terms of the cultural heritage of each country before the Three Kingdoms unified by Silla but have their own unique political, social and cultural characteristics of But the three countries had to have some common characteristics that nature has had a long-term significant impact on South Korea's history. Cultural heritage of the Three Kingdoms era still remain in the life of modern people, South Korea. Diplomacy and International Relations at the Shilla and Baekje ryeoteumyeo Bill is the power of China to subdue the Koguryo, This is an opportunity that Shem made to foreign involvement in internal conflict in Korea. (Cumings 1997) This move has been reproduced in the 19th century Joseon Dynasty horse, After the Second World War and the Korean peninsula to maintain a state divided by world politics today. There are many signs showing the Three Kingdoms era tradition that there was no sexual discrimination. In the era Koguryo tomb murals, and armed, as well as the women of the nobility dressed in pleated skirts and appeared on horseback Lady. 27 Seondeok king who ruled during the Silla (632-647), 28 Jindeok of Silla (647-654), and 51 true Queen (887-897), such as was the queen. Three Kingdoms period, there was no patriarchal cultural traditions. That there was no gender discrimination in this day and age I do not know the new generation of contemporary awareness that one of the reasons why more than half of another era opens the Three Kingdoms period. The beginning of the Goryeo Dynasty While the Unified Silla Kingdom enjoyed a great power and prosperity. However prophet from the mid 8th century Silla is divided again by the local forces, I say 'Wang' re-unification of the peninsula, which was to consider the gukho picked from the Goguryeo. He attempted to justify the ruling that granted the moral superiority to themselves. South Korea today called on the world's well-known 'Korea' English names, it says in fact happened in gukho of the Goryeo dynasty called it "considering" reducing the Koguryo. Considered at that time was the country with the most advanced civilization in the world. Cultural considerations were rich, gorgeous, it has been refined. Celadon of the Goryeo period was artistic works might be best admired from the Goryeo Dynasty. Consider the self inspired self Song delicate jade green and amazing decor represents the tranquility of the simplicity of Taoism and Buddhism. Bruce Cumings (1997: 40) "It was a short period of reign of the Goryeo Dynasty, which is less than more than 500 years, The heyday of this dynasty is highly regarded, even among countries with the most advanced civilization in the world. "I praised say. Science and technology was also considered very developed. Consideration has published various books to woodblock printing technology, with an advanced printing technology, the metal structure in 1234 were invented the first movable metal type It is claimed that a whopping 200 years earlier than the record that Germany 'invention'. (Steers et al. 1989). It manufactured gunpowder in Korea first time in the history of this period, in 1377 it was commercialized as a weapon. Religious considerations Buddhism, especially Buddhist Silla Kingdoms era, but to thrive with the support of the royal family, the royal family had indeed considered the construction of the kingdom of Buddhism. It was sometimes gone for office of the monks, and some of the princes was also a monk. The Buddhist influence on the consideration of age and had a great sense than religious faith. I consider myself Founding Fathers built several temples in Taejo Wang Geon, but to build a temple for King Taejo had meant more than religion. Lee Ki-baik: According to (132 1984), "construction of temples were not simply a religious meaning. He flourished's plane area (9,270 square meters) is exceeded between 2800 and took 12 years for completion in 1067, It will be available on a typical architectural inspections for the purpose of the well-being of royal origin. Expansion of the Buddhist temples in consideration as only two were 70 temples personality has called itself would indicate that it would consider a thorough Buddhist kingdom. " Jeungjwa to that Buddhism is imprinted in the minds of those who consider faith as more than just a can of the Tripitaka Koreana consideration. The first bed was a little Tripitaka Buddhist doctrine of prosperity in Chinese characters was completed in 1087. Another horse up the Tripitaka 'tree blooming Taka' is in Sanskrit, 'tree' is a three reaches, 'Blood Taka' is reultteut 'basket'. That 'Sir' and 'rate' and the meaning of the scriptures riraneun three Gwangju packed and 'non' is the Buddhist doctrine of the discourse and the ascetic life of the Buddha, And sileot a review on gyeongmun of eminent monks and scholars. The ideas and beliefs have had a big impact to the people considered. Feng Shui is based on Buddhist and Taoist ideas Leading attracted great popularity among the people considered. After considering the fourth reform gwangjong the Great (949-975) failed, in the first six Seongjong king (981-997) it began to be considered after the Confucian influence exerted. In particular, officials of the ruling ideology of tattoos and political philosophy of Confucianism refused to Buddhist principles on the basis of prior restorations (先行 受 福). Nevertheless, we consider that the Confucians were not entirely unclean thing in Buddhism. Instead, it would like to find spiritual serenity when it comes to non-salvation of the afterlife was believed to Buddhism and Confucianism coexist. So many people had considered knowledgeable about the two ideas, This point can be described as the difference between the consideration and review of the Confucian and Confucian scholars of the Joseon. (Lee 1984: 130) " Consideration has great ambition to unify the husamguk At the construction of the culture and scooping the great kingdom of the political system of China's Song Dynasty (960-1279). Considered in order to achieve these objectives, as well as from the beginning have been eager to trade with Song Dynasty Through an open immigration policy devoted efforts to recruit the best talent recruited to the stylist, uisulga, musicians, yeokgwan, merchants, priests, diviners and even people. Even considered embracing the northern tribes and migrants, such as the Bohai going and excited, they hand to the defense of the northern border, The other side has to recruit to workers and artisans to utilize their skills and knowledge. (O. Park. 1996). War of consideration Since the 11th century, Korea has suffered pain in internal feud between tattoos and silent. The first military coup occurred in 1170 is the resistance for a tattoo of favoritism uijong (1146-1170). Muhsin they got a lot of casualties in the course of the ousted officials Tattoo Second coup is woke up after three years, when officials were silent from mice that had the power, and only after a while noble, is particularly the transition of power to a management scholar from. Inside of this amtu has weakened the dynasty. Since the 11th century, is considering going, yo, and it suffered a big invasion of aftershocks have been most affected by the invasion of the Mongol Empire occupied China in 1206. Mongolia was occupied by China in 1231 to arrest the refugees requires that armed with new weapons and stubborn resistance, and has considered the invasion to attack. He moved the capital to Ganghwa consider the invasion of the Mongols. The invaders destroyed many cultural assets can be burned property wisihan the primary source colonoscopy. In 1271 it established a Mongol Yuan Dynasty was forced to Korea to help the Yuan Dynasty when you try to conquer Japan in 1274 and 1281. To consider leaving the responsibility to build a battleship, you have to be ready to supply the material needed for the two invasions. The plan is due to the sudden conquest 'kamikaze' encountered blowing gently went back to fail. In addition, Mongolia had occupied the island had sent their mighty army here. Realizing that the island is ideal for raising horses have made the island a center of mokmajang starting in 1276. They brought a change in occupation due to social, cultural, and language of the people living on the island for 100 years had occupied the island a century. (Kim 2002). Consider royal marriages King considered due to the military rule of the Yuan could only stand one after another of the Yuan Dynasty imperial princess to meet the queen. International marriage between the Yuan Dynasty imperial and royal considerations are reinforced within the authority of the royal family was to consider and take into account the start in order to promote the reconciliation of the Yuan Dynasty. Progenitor (1259-1274) was married to the daughter of the Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan to his son - after chungryeolwang (1274-1308) with the permission of the Yuan Dynasty emperors. She was, after raining chungryeolwang. Thereafter continuously chungseonwang consideration (1308-1313), chungsukwang (1313-1330, 1332-1339), chunghyewang (1330-1332, 1339-1344), And gongminwang (1351-1374) had inherited the throne of the imperial Yuan Dynasty. This arranged marriage lasted for nearly a century. In addition to the consideration it was forced to deal with the pirates, 'pirates' plundering of Japan after the rural landed on the coast is to maintain the relationship with the Yuan Dynasty. Meanwhile, the center for nearly a century Yuan Dynasty princess was accompanied by their servant and aide-de-camp when they come to consider marriage. They are worth a significant number remained in Korea was naturalized in Korea. Kim Jeongho: According to (2003, 226), including those who naturalized in Korea has 40 to 20 of this surname, Their descendants are now only 420,000 out of the South Korean population of 5,000 to 9,012 people dalhandago. Consider bets until completely lead to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the Yuan Dynasty to the north did not free from the influence of the Yuan Dynasty After that, I could not not chosen a chinmyeong policy. But in 1388 the Ming Dynasty has expressed the will to include the northern territory considered to be their territory. The move is considered a rousing prepared for the day and after the ginseng commander Gen. Choi Ming and although mobilize the armed forces, Choi yiseonggye which was the general manager is then in opposition to the conquest 3IP in Wihwa Island in the mouth of Yalu It caused a so-called bloodless revolution that deposed the king and seized power. The beginning of the Joseon Dynasty In 1392 it yiseonggye the deposed king was considering building a new Kingdom of Joseon and then usurped the throne and became himself King Taejo (1392-1398). Since the King of Chosun was hereditary, when there is no wangson chose a king among jongchin. For this reason the Joseon Dynasty is sometimes referred to as two trillion times. The newly King Taejo yiseonggye has maintained a close and intimate relationship, because originally the Ming Dynasty. Taejo has tried to embrace Confucianism, which was the philosophical interpretations on the idea that traditional ethics and politics mixed. In addition, they were reformers of his promotion to be introduced Confucian norms in the lives of the people, which consequently led to a weakening of Buddhism. New Dynasty went so weakens, the more lower position of Buddhism by the Buddhist land confiscation and closure of many temples. Many changes have been associated with changes in the shipbuilding community phase of Buddhism. Until then eotneunde turned into a burial culture is Confucianism, customs and rituals that were held in accordance with the folk customs and Buddhist rituals, Speaking a Buddhist ceremony is pushed to the Nago replaced by Confucian ritual sacrifice, and related. Previously, the Joseon Dynasty, but accepted marriage, polygamy, remarriage of widows, such as between relatives, Has been expanding the scope of the relatives can not marry the Joseon Dynasty, when there are multiple people it kept denying the differential between the status of married women they obstruct. Fourth King of three kinds (1418-1450) of the Joseon intellectual and academic was known as the greatest king of the kings of Joseon. The mid-15th century, King Sejong was found innovative achievements in the fields of administration, economy, science, music, medicine, and the literature. A rain gauge was invented in 1442 will be three kinds whopping 200 years earlier than the rain gauge known to be one Castello Riga invention in 1639. Sejong was interested in many fields in astronomy, sundial, water clock, the solar system, celestial, cheonmundo, And it occurred to encourage creative and out of the way chiljeongsan three kinds. (Kim 2007). Sejong established the Hall of Worthies in order to enable the study of the traditional institutions and political economy. And was the invention of the consonants and vowels of Hangul cangjie for a hat worthy South Korea end with the Hall of Worthies scholars. The Hangul cangjie is one of the greatest achievements of King Sejong. Inde Hangul is easy to learn the letters, you can familiarize yourself with the basics within hours of the Hangul (even foreign). Chosun ruling class 'man' Yiseonggye up to the founding of the DPRK through a military coup as well as the support of the military was to indispensable. But it would not have been able to succeed without the support of the intellectuals. King of Joseon was blamed on the decisive support of intellectuals have been noticed them, so that they act on the adjustment was also very important. The power of intellectuals, including establishment of administrative law governing the way political decisions of the Joseon Dynasty was powerful. (Kim 2007). The dominant class of shipbuilding was 'man', man was referring to two groups of officials to munban and unaccompanied. Man ranks are dominated because of the government, economy, and culture of Korea, it expressed the DPRK called man society is appropriate. But man is so far in the wider roots than in the previous monarchy. It ranks as the man went scale is increased due to the national examination system to appoint the management, On the other hand, negative seoje 'the institutions to adopt the children of the upper classes with no special test has been extremely limited policy. Man they had sent their children to a private school called village school in order to protect their identity, here, children learned how to learn to write Chinese characters. After this step, I moved to the higher education institutions in Seoul and regional, Seoul National University, there was a train of Sungkyunkwan Confucian. But even for the man he was admitted limit for a child born in the man's concubine. Also locally it was also discriminated against on the northern people. The local Confucian forms of man power base of the party, especially in Shilin began to reveal the prominence politically through the examination system. Most of the intellectuals man was to compete against each other numerous power struggles have picked will follow. As a result, there was reconciliation occurs four times greater reconciliation Joseon Dynasty, infallible reconciliation, in 1498 to 1504 suddenly strange reconciliation, in 1519, And there was eulsa reconciliation in 1545. Size difference is squashed, but this reconciliation were the examples showing that the vicious struggle with the power generated between the political factions. Joseon Dynasty Diplomacy Yiseonggye has taken the chinmyeong policy. When the (one step further) New Year Chinese New Year or harye To celebrate the birthday of Ming emperors and princes and winter, and sent envoys to the Ming Dynasty to celebrate the winter solstice is passing. All actions have been derived from the political intention to guarantee the safety of the new dynasty. It was a highly political strategies Indeed such a policy was the worship of the powerful to power. Since then, the word has four had a negative connotation, South Korea has been recognized as the submission of diplomacy in handling relations with major powers. Shipbuilding had to protect people from raids by Japanese marauders who infested. Sent a powerful army to suppress the Tsushima (Tsushima) it was through negotiating shipbuilding has an open trade and limited to three ports in Tsushima. Then one of Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified Japan, while emerging as strong leaders through the 16th century, military victory Greater than has been the Japanese invasion started toward the DPRK conducted under more organized. His ambition was to occupy the Ming Dynasty through the Korean invasion. Hideyoshi's invasion came up the massive expense of the Koreans, the Japanese tried to gain a hold of each expert in the shipbuilding prisoner. Artisans such as potters and ssamkkun way, monks, Confucian they were representative. When Hideyoshi invaded the story of a pupil seam to pull his family's shipbuilding dragged into Japan's Kagoshima are also the heartbreaking saga. (Kim 1988). It may have come from the shipbuilding many books have a significant contribution to research in the academic development, especially Confucianism in Japan. After the Japanese invasion of Korea has been subject to predatory neighbors to the north. By Hong Taiji, a unified ten thousand shares Ruzhens has been sporadic aggression against the northern border of South Korea. It becomes a strong force of Manchuria in artful diplomacy of King Gwanghae realistic political approach and was able to fast-changing conditions while maintaining the unstable peace in situations. Overthrow the King Gwanghae artificial inherited the throne was a new attempt at a moral approach to international relations, he stressed the moral obligation of the Ming Dynasty. This was caused by the invasion of two devastating Manchu, First Manchu invasion of Korea, Second Manchu invasion of Korea in 1636 for 1627 have been it. As a result of the war and subdued Manchuria shows've infiltrated their forces in Korea and establish tributary relations, shipbuilding spend by taking the two princes Suspended forced annexed Manchuria. Ten thousand shares conquered the Ming and Qing Dynasty ruled China as (1644-1912). After Korea, I could not escape the impact of the Qing Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty to the Japanese defeat in the Sino-Japanese War in 1894. Shipbuilding was particularly bothered by the algon attacks of Japanese pirates in the period spanning the 13th and 14th centuries, In 1592 the wisihan between Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea in 1598 in Japan was that enough to notch processing. Contrary to what the pirates are going to loot Korea in coastal areas, Hideyoshi shipbuilding, exciting, and as a result wanted to expand all-out war for subordinated the Chinese Ming Dynasty. Korea People say Imjin bureuneunde this aggression, this means that the war caused Japan to imjinnyeon. Because mobilizing elite professional soldiers from the Gulf War early Hideyoshi lot of combat experience in the 50 most ground battles have achieved a great success. Hideyoshi's military have been armed with a revolutionary new weapon imports from the Portuguese traders. When compared to the Japanese is joseongun was not even a well-trained military equipment was also lax. Against the soldiers of the practice experienced by Hideyoshi it was not ready to be a successful battle. Hope it was a turtle known as the Navy and cheolgapseon he invented that Yi is conducted. Of these warships Yi has won a victory in Japan from everywhere underwent a naval battle anywhere. Lee Ki-baik (1984: 212) is to describe the Yi of winning, "We plan to crush the General Yi tried to seize the coastline, while the Japanese army to march north through the sea support the Japanese have already landed. Moreover breadbasket of Jeolla Province was the virtue of Yi can be safely protected from the Korea people. In addition, the operations of the Yi was also blocked while attempting to interfere to prevent new attacks Japanese military supply route freely in Japan. " Incidentally, Yi on June 19, 2013, a diary written during the war diary Lanzhou was listed as a UNESCO World Documentary Heritage. No matter even if Yi is hyeokhyeok major, decisive victory of the war depended on the ground. Superior Hideyoshi's army captured the fortress was one single, also occupied by one Metallurgy Metallurgical cities have suddenly come to occupy almost the entire peninsula. Eventually ancestors went to the northwestern border city uijuro evacuation of the peninsula. Reports were excluded from the obligation of military service to the regulars that collapse of shipbuilding Man, Confucians, monks, farmers, and even the slaves had revolted to the guerrilla group (Righteous Army) across the country. Guerrilla group that went eseona large-scale engagement surface can eseona aspects. Moreover, the reinforcements of more than 50,000 Ming troops were pushed to the south of Hideyoshi. This situation had induced the ceasefire negotiations between Ming and Hideyoshi Although we did have that negotiation is not successful, since 1592 has created a war of aggression between 1596 to end the deadlock. 1597 Hideyoshi invaded Korea in the second. But this time was different from what I had expected a battle in Japan, The reason is that this was an armed joseongun more deundeunhage Ming army was quickly addressed. Victory of the Japanese army was very limited, I never have their army is isolated on Gyeongsang region. After all, let Sir Hideyoshi died mid-1598 the Japanese army had withdrawn from the front line. Through seven years of war shipbuilding arm it has been the stage for Japan's looting and massacres, particularly when jeongyujaeran the damage was severe Gyeongsang region. The loss of cultural relics and has a bar. 3 of 4 Storage thinking of the wooden buildings of Gyeongbokgung and Niagara Falls, and the kings abandoned dog was burned. Human losses to bar joseongun killed 26 people, dwaetdago estimated 170,000 people and the Japanese, and the third also victims of the military Ming million. Haejyeoseo yitorok death toll is severe population decline was also to blame were many villages deserted. "Mimi mound, 'That is your tomb in the Kyoto neighborhood represents a janhaksang Hideyoshi's invasion. Traditionally, the Japanese Samurai tradition were able to get the enemy's head for the purpose they were built to show off the ball in the yard. But when Hideyoshi invaded Korea as a second think the Japanese have to go bear ears or nose only more convenient than taking the whole head. Hideyoshi's troops are in the Joseon soldiers, civilians, and cut off the nose of the Ming military After recorded meticulously count the number to send to Japan, pickled packed in salt. Memorial in Japan and South Korea 8,000 people nose and ears at least the victim at the time of Hideyoshi's invasions 30,000 storage. Thing called your grave because it sounds less cruel than the nose piece, called tombs. Korea has gradually weakened national strength and repeated invasions of the Japanese attack. Finally, the Joseon Dynasty was unloaded film in 1910, from 1910 to 1945 will be put to colonialism by the Japanese imperialists. Unlike Korea, Japan saw another virtue from this invasion. Japan went to plunder the many books that were in Korea, which has greatly contributed to the development of Confucianism in Japan, particularly to Japan, acquire knowledge. Japanese troops have taken hold of the famous potter prisoner, brought artisans have developed significantly after the pottery craft in Japan. (Lee 1984). This time, learn about the history of various dynasties and the Republic of Korea! Did you like? Koreans love you enough time for a culture of Korea and South Korea will continue to keep - See you next time ~

Why Korea Split Into North and South Korea

Have you ever wondered why there's North Korea and South Korea? Ever wondered what happened to, you know... Korea? Like most geo-political changes in the world, the division of Korea was the result of war. The Korean War took place from 1950 to 1953. But it wasn't really the Korean War that split the country. The Korean War just made the split more permanent, but it was already split. We need to look not only at the Korean War, but look at the bigger picture. The split had more to do with the Cold War. The Cold War was interesting in that it wasn't so much a war in the traditional sense. The Cold War was effectively a "war of wars". The Cold War was primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. But in a more broad sense it was effectively an ideological war between capitalism and communism. The US and the USSR never actually fought each other directly in battle, but instead fought indirectly through proxy wars. One example would be the Vietnam War, the United States (who were helping South Vietnam) were at war with communist North Vietnam, while the Soviets provided them with tanks, aircrafts, and weapons, as well as billions of dollars in funding. Another example would be the Soviet war in Afghanistan. The Soviets fought with the communist Afghan government, while the United States gave 3 billions dollars in funding to the mujahideen to fight the civil war. However, this turned out to be a horrible decision for the US, as one of the leaders of the mujahideen turned out to be one Osama Bin Laden, who went on to found al-Qaeda, who then went on to declare war on the United States. So in a roundabout way, the US effectively funding terrorism against themselves... But back to Korea... The Korean War was effectively another proxy war as part of the Cold War. But the split of Korea happened even before the Cold War. The country was actually split at the end of the World War Two. If you've seen my first video, I talked about how Japan surrendered in World War Two and had to give up land they had acquired via force when they signed the Potsdam Declaration, which included Taiwan. As well as Taiwan though, Japan also had control of the entire Korean Peninsula, which the Japanese Empire had annexed in 1910 from the Korean Empire. The Japanese ruled Korea for 35 years before their surrender. But this is different from the situation with Taiwan. Taiwan's an island which made up a tiny amount of the Republic of China's land, so it was simply a case of handing sovereignty over to China. But with Korea... Japan took ALL of their land. So the Korean Empire had effectively been wiped off the map. Therefore, by order of the United Nations, Korea was to be temporarily split at the 38th parallel. The Soviet Union were to control the north, while the United States controlled the south, with the plan to unite the country in time. It's important to note that at this point the US and USSR were allies at this time, although they didn't exactly trust each other. The United Nations scheduled elections in both parts of the Korea, they were to be fair and democratic. In the South, Syngman Rhee was elected and the Republic of Korea was established, taking control over from the US military. However, in the north, the Soviet Union refused to hold free elections a communist state was established with Kim Il-sung as the leader of the country, grandfather of the current North Korean leader - Kim Jon-un. By 1949, all US and Soviet forces had withdrawn from Korea. The Soviet's and Communist China had significantly armed the North Koreans with weapons and funding, but the US weren't actually as generous with the South Koreans, and refused to even give them any tanks, leaving them seriously ill-equipped for a war. And war is exactly what happened. In 1950, under the direction of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, North Korea crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. Stalin didn't expect the US to get involved since they had already withdrawn all their troops and they didn't intervene with the victory of Communist China in the Chinese Civil War in the previous year. However, the UN Security Council unanimously voted to intervene in Korea. Ironically though, the Soviet Union was part of the UN Security Council's Big Five and had veto power. Unfortunately for them, they weren't there to veto the resolution. See, even though Communist China had effectively won the civil war and had total control of the mainland, the Republic of China, who only had control over Taiwan, still held the seat of China at the UN. In protest of this, the Soviet Union boycotted all UN meetings. So the UN intervened to protect South Korea, although it was mostly US forces. The troops were lead by the United States under the command of General MachArthur. Stalin promised to help North Korea as much as possible. However, he insisted Soviet forces would not engage in combat with US forces. But why is this... you might wonder. I mean, why engage in all these proxy wars and indirect fighting, why don't the United States and the Soviet Union just fight each other directly? Well, the answer to that can be summed up in just three words: Mutually. Assured. Destruction. See, at the time, the US and USSR were considered the two superpowers of the world. And the consequences of both superpowers at all-out war with each other would have catastrophic repercussions. As well as being superpowers, they were also both nuclear weapon states. See, in the early 40's, the US (with the help of the UK and Canada) worked on the Manhattan Project, which is basically codename for "developing an atomic bomb". It's a slightly more conspicuous name... In 1945 the US showed the sheer destructive power of these weapons when they dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After seeing this, the Soviet Union significantly increased their own research into nuclear weapons, and, in 1949 they successfully tested their own atomic bomb. So war between the United States and Soviet Union would have inevitably ended up in World War Three and for the first time - nuclear war. This wouldn't just have been bad for the US and Russia, but absolutely, literally, everyone! And could have could have quite easily lead to the end of human civilization... But thankfully that didn't happen. Joseph Stalin was fully aware of the potential consequences of engaging in combat with US forces. Say what you want about Joseph Stalin, but at least he was smart enough not to be to war with the US. Credit where credit's due, that's all I'm saying. By September 1950, North Korea had South Korea cornered in the Pusan Perimeter and a communist victory looked imminent. The North Koreans has to send supplies to their soldiers on the frontline, which General MacArthur thought he could exploit. Instead of trying to break through with ground forces, the US used their navy to flank the North Koreans. They took back control of Seoul and managed to disrupt the North Korean supply line. Within just a few months things had completely changed and it looked like South Korea were on the verge of victory. However, at this point, China, who had thus far not been involved, marched their troops across the border and pushed the UN forces back to behind the 38th parallel. Control of the peninsula fluctuated for a while around the 38th parallel, ironically, control ended very similar to what had been to begin with. In 1953, North and South Korea signed an armistice agreement creating a de facto international border. It's worth noting that an armistice agreement is NOT a peace treaty, so technically speak, they're actually still at war. After the agreement, both sides built barriers to stop each other crossing the border. And there's now a 4km wide Demilitarized Zone. Which is a somewhat ironic name given that it's the single most militarized border in the entire world. Speaking of ironic names, North Korea's official name is: the Democratic People Republic of Korea. Which is ironic since several organisations have ranked North Korea as the single LEAST democratic country in the world. And the good thing about talking about North Korea is, no-one's going to be offended, I can safely say that no-one from North Korea is ever going to see this video. In 1991, both North and South Korea became members of the United Nations. Although neither country recognises the other and both consider themselves the legitimate government of all of Korea. The only place where the North and South Korean leader meet is inside the DMZ in a place called the Joint Security Area. The JSA, including the room they meet in, lie directly on the border, which isn't actually a border but a MDL or an armistice line. In fact, the line even passes through the very conference table they sit at. So the two leaders basically talk to each other from different countries and don't cross the line. There's a door at each side of the room which leads back to their own country. Today, North Korea and South Korea are pretty much as different as two countries can be. They both speak Korean and have the word 'Korea' in their name but that's pretty much where the similarities end. South Korea has a free market capitalism economy, while North Korea is officially describes itself is a "socialist republic"... but a more accurate description might be... a totalitarian dictatorship. So if you're planning on going on holiday to Korea... you're probably better off going to South Korea!

Why Does South Korea Hate Japan?

In August 2015, a South Korean man set himself on fire to protest Japan’s human rights abuses in Korea in the early 20th century. A recent BBC poll found that a majority of South Koreans hold negative views of the Japanese. So why does South Korea hate Japan? Well, beginning in the late 19th century, Japan established dominance over Korea, and from 1910 to 1945, it was annexed as a Japanese colony. Japan’s military leadership was harsh, but it did help modernize Korea. However, after the war, Japan surrendered control of Korea to the Soviet Union and United States, who split the country in two. This would later be known as time of great confusion and turmoil in Korea, culminating in the devastating Korean War. Japan had previously occupied most high-level military positions before 1945, so there were few Korean leaders that held enough power to unite the whole country again amid the political chaos. Although Japan has made apologies to Korea for their colonial rule, many Koreans still feel the apologies lack sincerity. One of the worst effects of Japan’s influence was the mandatory establishment of brothels in Korea and other neighboring countries like China during World War 2. “comfort women," as the sex slaves were called, were often kidnapped and forced to work. After the war was over and the brothels were disbanded, tens of thousands of surviving women, who had dealt with STDs and traumatic injuries, were not acknowledged by Japanese leaders until the 1990s. Additionally, some Japanese textbooks have allegedly ignored and whitewashed this part of history, sparking anger among South Koreans. Weekly rallies calling for Japan’s further acknowledgement of these tragedies have occurred outside Japan’s embassy in South Korea since 1992. Further territorial disputes have added to the discord. A string of islands, valued for their fishing reserves and natural gas resources, have been claimed by both countries. Even the name of the “Sea of Japan” between them, is a source of debate. South Koreans prefer the less possessive term the “East Sea." These issues have contributed to diminished trade relations and diplomatic deadlock. The heart of many of their disputes is based on Japan always coming out ahead, partially based on their subjugation of Korea. Although South Korea has proven itself to be one of the most prosperous and promising asian economies, the lasting effects of war and Japanese imperialism have kept them one step behind their neighbor. In the long run however, despite old, unhealed wounds, the two nations have been allies in the face of other hostile nations, like Russia and North Korea. South Korea and Japan’s proximity to one another has encouraged an overlapping popular culture, and complementary economies. Although the two countries have dealt with more than a century of strife, they are still massively reliant on each other. South Korea’s not the only country that hates Japan. China’s also got an ongoing grudge, and with good reason. Find out about that in this News. Thanks for reading !

Rare photographs shed light on Korea′s history 미국에서 찾았던 ′미공개 사진′

A discovery of rare photographs taken in Korea during the late 19th and early 20th century has revealed never-before-seen images of key figures in Korea's history. Our Yim Yoonhee joins us today with more on this story. Last year, a huge collection of pictures taken during Korea's modern history were found by a Korean professor at Rutgers University in the state of New Jersey. They were discovered in the William Elliot Griffis Collection and, of the 592 photographs found, hundreds had never been seen by the public before, including the ones you're about to look at. The fifth son of Korea's Emperor Gwangmu, Prince Yi Kang, lived during a tumultuous time in Korean history, during the First Sino-Japanese War. This recently discovered shot is one of the earliest pictures of the prince, taken in 1899 when he left to study abroad in the United States. Another photograph is of Heungseon Daewongun , known to some Westerners as Prince Gung. He served as regent of the Joseon Dynasty while King Gojong was a minor during the 1860s. The picture on the right, believed to be of him in his 40s, shows a much younger version of him. Seo Jae-pil, also known as Philip Jaisohn, was a leader in Korea's fight for independence, even putting together the doomed Gapsin Coup to oust the Joseon-era leadership. He was the first Korean to receive U.S. citizenship and this new picture on the left shows a young 23-year-old Seo, taken in 1887. Another leader of the failed Gapsin Coup was Park Yeoung-ho. This rare image of the Korean politician at 25, before his involvement with the enlightenment movement of Korea. And lastly, Kim Ok-gyun, a reformist during the late Joseon Dynasty. The image on the left shows him at 35 years old, and though there are many black-and-white photos of him, this is the first known color photograph of Kim. And while these pictures reveal a small piece of Korea's history, musician Hwang Byung-ki holds on to history in his own way. For decades, he's been a master of the gayageum, one of Korea's most popular traditional Korean instruments. And now, a new book about Hwang, compiled by English scholar Andrew Killick over 25 years, has recently been published in Korean. This is a book that was first written in English, and as you were telling me earlier, it was translated into Korean because of the importance of the content. That's right. Hwang Byung-ki is a very important composer and musician here in the country. And this is the first book in English to cover an Asian composer who writes music for Asian instruments. Now, for those of you who don't know, the gayageum is a 12-stringed zither that's plucked. But the history of the instrument dates all the way back to the 6th century, where it was an important part of Korean culture, and now it's still played by musicians of all ages, despite the growing trend towards Western instruments. So Hwang is an important figure in Korea's traditional music history. Let's go back to those pictures. What else was found in that collection of photographs? It's taken some time to process the pictures, and there are still plans to show them. But besides the photographs you just saw, they also discovered pictures of the state funeral for Empress Myeongseong, who was also known as Queen Min. She was assassinated by Japanese agents on October 8, 1895, and photos of the first place she was buried had never been seen until now. These are obviously very valuable to our country's history and culture.

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