Sunday, May 7, 2017

How to speed up your internet SPEED 10000x faster - Boost WiFi speed

hello friends and this video will tell you how you can really increase your wife eyes p and you can boost like your breakfast p 2 3 times this really very good and our technical way to increase the Wi-Fi speed but before doing all this just check the current speed of our Wi-Fi network connected with our laptop so you just go to this pee test . net web site and click on speed test and we will see the download and upload speed of our Wi-Fi network for current speed then after we will do some of the settings in the Wi-Fi and will increase is Pete this is actually not a tragus really a technical way of increasing this piece of Wi-Fi many of the people do not know actually that what's the different life and more words and how we can really trees Wi-Fi speed by doing these settings as you see here that the crunch speed the result has came the con Speedy's almost about four mbps as a download speed and a dozen for 15 mbps upload speed but you know the Wi-Fi i have here this Wi-Fi is a 20 mbps life I but still we are not getting of pepper pre results so what what can be there to see this is only four MVPs but the company is providing me 20 mbps or it's almost almost 10 to 15 mbps p that actually should be there in my fetus . net so here i will tell you the interesting drink are the technical way of doing so one thing you must know about the default gateway of the you are wife I suppose you're using a dlink Wi-Fi or using netgear Buffalo some Wi-Fi so you just go to google and search for the default gave me and you know whenever you go on some website and check the default gateway so it should be like an IP address for example 192 168 1 . one in some cases it it will be double one . one and it could be 0 . one so all this is depends upon a different companies by five but in the different companies the default gateway will not vary in between the models like if you have a dealing to router suppose dealing out this video calling it so the kids with you can find out with the google then you just go to the browser and click on d and write down the key 8 we are very right down the websites actually and when you write like 192 it is in my case it's a 92 or 168 or 11 when i press enter it will ask you for a user admin and the password so how you can get this user admin and the password this is actually the credentials for like Facebook and all so these credentials are actually defaulted also that are being provided by the company if like if you have never change your username and a possible so you can go who will and you can check for the default password for dealing default password for netgear in general cases it is username is admin and password is Hospital PA SS wrt and in some cases the username and password both our admin and in some cases they use the name will be admin and the password will be blank there will be no password and you just go out and click on OK when you click on OK you will even actually enter inside your Wi-Fi this is the inside configuration of your Wi-Fi and as we are user we we don't know and we do not want to know that how life works and what is actually inside a Wi-Fi but sometimes it's really required to understand about some of the technical terms of Wi-Fi which can help you to increase your Wi-Fi speed so this is what we are going to do in our keys and yeah you some of you have know that the 802.11 this is a Wi-Fi stander this tender is being defined by some company or some organization you can see I Triple E which defines the answer to . 11 as a Wi-Fi but this Wi-Fi is not Wi-Fi is not only a single Wi-Fi technology / has different modes which could be card as X 2 . be more timur and AC 80 so these all modes are different by their species and configuration so the praise and the main thing is this P if you see this as ever going down to the speed in the different words will increase a more than have a less p we will have more than a GU have speed more than B and then after there is and so and we'll have spent more than G and sometimes what happens is your routers will have been configured with the people so if your router is configured with the be more so you will if it from back if the Spirit is coming like 10 mbps or 20 mbps but you will not get an actual speed of your Wi-Fi because / of the router of your home is configured with some another configuration so you have to change it to like if you have a very good router very at one structure so you may also have an easy one so you just change this more put another mode and as you see in our case that you have to go to interface go to wireless and here as you see here that wireless more it is selected as a bee so if you see here about the bmore that be more has a speed of 11 mbps only is very less . so if the actual the maximum speed of bmore is 11 mbps but my router be my intern actual connection is 20 and reveals how can i get 20 mbps if its maximum is 11 so i will probably get four or five which is actually i'm getting here four or five but in actual case if you want to get more spiritual just click on here and select some another 0 mode which is like if here is B&G BG and so we'll select as we had we don't have AC moore because this color is not very good artist it has an mode select the end moon make sure you have selected and one then you click on save no you're right router will work on the and more and we can see here about the and more here that the and more has a speed from 54mbps - 600 mbps so this is a ver we can get an actual speed of our internet connection so as the thing okay this has been a dataset has been changed to and more yeah so now we will go on this peak test and we'll do speed test again now I think this be of device is should be on child 15mbps because it's 20 amperes Wi-Fi just click on begin test and the test is begin and okay being started oh how the speed is 2n teen it's turning point five mbps really it is three times as triple this bead of the Wi-Fi that that we were actually getting and this is a hidden trick really so sometimes we do not normally we just think that why we're not getting a high speed but see that the download speed from three mps 4mbps it has been increased to 15 almost three times and I think this will be like 10 it was probably just sleep 5 just increased two times also some really awesome I think you everyone from you just go and check for your default gateway and open up the settings of your Wi-Fi and check ones that if you have the highest more selective in to your Wi-Fi and get a high speed thank you so much friends for watching this video and if you really like this way this technology of this trick of increasing the Wi-Fi speed and it really works for you please like this video and if you have some other ways or if you have some doubt you can always comment on my videos and subscribe to my channel if you want to get real-time more updates about Wi-Fi and I'll just tell thank you so much again for watching this video have a good day

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